Task Overview for Budget Revisions


  1. Define user variables. See Setting User Variables. For Budget Revisions, you also set the user variable Account Group.
  2. Create a plan and forecast in EPM Planning Financials. See Task Overview.

  3. After planning and forecasting is complete, have your administrator push the data to Budgetary Control using Data Management. This becomes your original budget.
  4. When you're ready to start the budget revision process, have your administrator run the Prepare for Revisions rule. Running this rules copies data from an original budget to an adopted budget in EPM Planning Financials.

    The adopted budget is the starting point for the revision process.

    Prepare for Revisions copies data from the original budget using the scenario and version you select, typically Plan scenario (OEP_Plan) and Working version OEP_Working) to Adopted Budget scenario (OEP_Adopted Budget) and to Original version (OEP_Original) and Working version (OEP_Working) for the periods and years you select.

Budget Revisions Task Overview

In general, you'll prepare budget revisions and integrate with Budgetary Control using this workflow:

  1. Create and populate a revision. See Creating Budget Revisions.

  2. Enter budget revisions (direct entry or trend-based) and check funds. See Revising Budgets in a Budget Revision.

    The funds check makes a call to Budgetary Control to check funds and validate that the budget revisions you are proposing meet the controls set in Budgetary Control.

  3. Analyze budget revisions using the forms and dashboards in Budget Revisions.

  4. Optionally, submit for approval using the EPM Planning approval process if you are using it.

If you have an approver role, follow this workflow:

  1. Share the revision if needed.

    After a revision is created, based on the approval hierarchy, you can share the budget revision with any planners who need to contribute to the budget revision process. See Sharing Revisions.

  2. Optionally, after all of the planners have completed their revisions, go through the Planning approval process if you are using it.

  3. Reserve funds. See Reserving Funds.

    This step reserves funds in the Budgetary Control control budget associated with the revision and approves and clears the revision.

To get started, from the Home page, click Financials and then click Budget Revisions.