Collaboration Teams

When creating a negotiation, category managers can nominate collaboration team members to participate in the creation and administration of the sourcing document. This can include actions over the entire life of the sourcing document from the initial creation through the award process.

You must be a category manager to manage the collaboration team.

Team Members

The negotiation creator and the creator's manager are included as team members by default. Other persons can be added to the team. The negotiation creator can send new members notifications when they're added to the team. Team members can be added throughout the life of the negotiation. The person adding the member can specify whether the new member has full access or read only access to the document. View team members who are inactive as they're no longer working with the organization or they have a change in job assignment. Before you publish a draft negotiation, you will see a warning if any members in the collaboration team are inactive.

Member Tasks

Each member can be assigned specific tasks. Such tasks could include defining the item attributes, monitoring participating and inviting additional suppliers, awarding business to supplier, and generating purchasing documents. The negotiation creator can assign a date by which all the tasks must be completed.

Scoring Teams

If a negotiation accepts team scoring, the negotiation author can create scoring teams and assign collaboration team members as participants. Then the scoring team is assigned to one or more requirement sections. Once a negotiation is closed and the scoring phase is opened, members of a scoring team can view and score supplier responses to manually scored requirements that are in the sections assigned to their scoring team. But, a scoring-only access member can only view responses to requirements that are assigned to them, they can’t view responses to requirements that aren’t assigned to them.

For example, if a scoring team member, John Doe, is part of the technical team and this team has been assigned the technical requirements, then John can see the responses to the technical requirements as the negotiation isn’t sealed.

When response visibility is Open or Blind, scoring team members can view the supplier responses of the requirements that are assigned to them.

But when response visibility is sealed, the scoring team members can view the responses of requirements assigned to them only after the negotiation is unlocked. Seal a negotiation if you want to prevent the scoring team members from seeing the responses.

Project Resources as Collaboration Team Members

You can associate Oracle Sourcing negotiations with project tasks in Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management project plans. Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) labor resources assigned to project tasks will typically be part of the collaboration team for that negotiation. After you create project tasks to track key negotiation events, you assign labor resources to the tasks. You can quickly search and add project resources as collaboration team members. You must ensure that the project resources assigned to the tasks are also Human Capital Management (HCM) people. You must be a project manager on the project to manage the project plan