How Elastic Search Works in the Shopping Catalog Search

You can use the elastic search in the Responsive Self Service Procurement application to get accurate search results. The application displays search results matching the keywords you entered in order of relevance from highest to lowest.

When you use the search box, the application generates automatic suggestions based on these parameters:

  • Your recently searched keywords. These suggestions are indicated by a clock icon.
  • The catalog content that you have access to. These suggestions are indicated by a magnifying glass icon.

To search items or services, you can either use the autosuggested keywords or enter attribute values as keywords. Here’s the list that illustrates what attributes can be used with which content type:

Attribute BPA Line Master Item Punchout Catalog Punchout Search Item Smart Form
Name No No Yes No Yes
Agreement Number Yes No No Yes Yes
Purchasing Category Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Assigned Browsing Categories Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Restrict to Browsing Category No No No No Yes
UNSPSC Yes No No No No
Item Number Yes Yes No No No
Description Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Keywords No No Yes No Yes
GTIN No Yes No No No
Manufacturer Yes Yes (0 or more) No Yes Yes
Manufacturer Part Number Yes Yes (0 or more) No Yes Yes
Supplier Yes Yes (0 or more) Yes Yes Yes
Supplier Item Yes Yes (0 or more) No Yes Yes
Supplier Item Auxiliary ID Yes No No Yes No
Long Description Yes Yes No Yes No
Alias Yes No No No No
Comments Yes No No No No

Here's the list that illustrates what attribute information is displayed in search results:

Attribute Master Item BPA Line with Backing Master Item BPA Line without Backing Master Item Punchout Search Item Punchout Catalog Smart Form
Item Description Always Always Always Always Not Applicable Not Applicable
Name Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Always Always
Image Primary image in PIM Thumbnail image from BPA Thumbnail image from BPA Item image Catalog image Smart Form image
Brand (Manufacturer) If only 1 trading partner of type Manufacturer Manufacturer from BPA line Manufacturer Manufacturer Not Applicable Not Applicable
Sold By (Supplier) If only 1 trading partner of type Supplier Supplier Supplier Supplier Not Applicable Not Applicable
Packaging String Per availability and Opt In Per availability and Opt In Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Price per UOM Always Always For Goods lines Always Not Applicable Not Applicable
Add to Cart Link Always Always Always Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Go to Site Link Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Always Always Not Applicable
Create Request Link Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Always