How You Extend a Closed Negotiation

You can extend a closed negotiation to give suppliers more time to respond.

When you extend a closed negotiation, all the participating suppliers are notified of the new deadline for which they can now submit new responses or revise their previous responses. Suppliers that already submitted their final responses don't need to resubmit.

To extend a closed negotiation, in the negotiation's page, click Actions > Manage > Extend and in the Extend Negotiation dialog box, provide the new close date and then click Submit.

Consider these when you extend a closed negotiation.

  • You can extend a negotiation that's in any of these statuses:
    • Closed
    • Closed (Locked)
    • Award in progress (for blind or open response visibility)
  • You can't extend a sealed negotiation once it's unlocked.
  • You can't extend a closed auction in these scenarios:
    • If staggered closing is enabled.
    • If autoextend is triggered for the lines.