Supplier Acknowledgment of Purchasing Documents

As a supplier user, you can acknowledge and respond to purchasing documents using the Supplier Portal work area. This includes purchase agreements and purchase orders, and their change orders.

Important aspects of acknowledging and responding to purchasing documents include:

  • Finding purchasing documents requiring acknowledgment.

  • Acknowledging purchase agreements and their change orders.

  • Acknowledging purchase orders and their change orders.

Find Purchasing Documents Requiring Acknowledgment

When a purchasing document requires your acknowledgment, you receive the following types of notifications:

  • Watchlist, which you can view in the Supplier Portal work area.

  • Email, which you can view in your email account.

You can use the Manage Agreements or Manage Orders tasks to search for purchasing documents having the status Pending Supplier Acknowledgment.

Acknowledge Purchase Agreements

When a purchase agreement or its change order is submitted for acknowledgment, you can respond using the Supplier Portal work area. Use the Acknowledge Document page to perform these acknowledgment actions:

  • Accept the agreement. The application moves the agreement to Open status, ready for implementation.

  • Partially accept an agreement requiring acknowledgment at the document and line level. You can accept some lines, reject the remaining lines, and accept the document at the header level. The application puts the document in Open status, ready for implementation with the accepted lines. Rejected lines are canceled.

  • Reject the agreement. The application moves the purchase agreement to Rejected status.

Acknowledge Purchase Orders

When a purchase order or its change order is submitted for acknowledgment, you can respond using the Supplier Portal work area. Use the Acknowledge Document page to perform these acknowledgment actions:

  • Accept the order. The application moves the order to Open status, ready for implementation.

  • Partially accept an order requiring acknowledgment at the document and schedule level. You can accept some schedules, reject the remaining schedules, and accept the document at the header level. The application puts the document in Open status, ready for implementation with the accepted schedules. Rejected schedules are canceled.

  • Reject the order. The application moves the order to Rejected status.

During acknowledgment you can also propose changes to the order. You can do this only for orders and their change orders pending acknowledgment at the document and schedule level. To do this, use the Edit button to submit a change order. The types of changes you can propose are the same as for any change order. For example, you can propose changes to the price, quantity, delivery dates, and to split schedules.

Once you submit a change order, the status of the base document changes to Pending Change Approval. The change order is subject to the review and approval of the buying organization. The buyer can either:

  • Approve the changes. This merges the change order into the base document and opens the base document for implementation.

  • Reject the changes. This sets the status of the base document to Pending Supplier Acknowledgment.

You can repeat the process until the document is accepted and approved by both parties.

If you change your mind, you can withdraw the change order. The change order is canceled. The base document remains in Pending Supplier Acknowledgment status. You can still take an acknowledgment action to accept or reject the base document.

For larger numbers of acknowledgment actions, you can also use the Acknowledge Schedules from Spreadsheet task. Use the task to download all order schedules pending acknowledgment to a spreadsheet. Use the spreadsheet to indicate your acknowledgment response (accept, reject or propose a change) and upload your response to the application.

If your organization has implemented the Purchase Order web service, you can also use it to propose changes during acknowledgment. You can do this only for those purchase orders and their change orders requiring acknowledgment at the document and schedule level.