Acknowledge Purchase Order Schedules Using a Spreadsheet

As a supplier user, you can acknowledge purchase order schedules in batches using a spreadsheet. This applies only to purchase orders that are pending supplier acknowledgment at the document and schedule level.

During acknowledgment you can also propose changes to the schedules, indicating to the buyer the changes required before you can fulfill the schedules.

Complete these three main tasks to acknowledge schedules using a spreadsheet:

  1. Navigate to the Acknowledge Schedules in Spreadsheet task and open the spreadsheet.

  2. Review the schedules in the spreadsheet and provide your acknowledgment responses.

  3. Upload the spreadsheet to update the application.


Before you can acknowledge schedules using a spreadsheet, you must install the Oracle Application Development Framework Desktop Integration (ADFdi) client software on your computer. The add-in enables desktop integration with Microsoft Excel workbooks. Download the installation files from: Navigator > Tools > Download Desktop Integrator Installer.

Navigate to Task and Open Spreadsheet

Follow these steps to navigate to the Acknowledge Schedules in Spreadsheet task and open the spreadsheet.

  1. Sign in to Oracle Applications Cloud.

  2. Open the Supplier Portal work area. (Navigator > Supplier Portal work area).

  3. On the Overview page select the Acknowledge Schedules in Spreadsheet task.

  4. All purchase order schedules pending supplier acknowledgment, at the document and schedule level, are downloaded to an ADFdi spreadsheet.

  5. In the Opening AcknowledgeSchedules.xlsx dialog, select Open with Microsoft Office Excel, then click OK.

  6. In the Connect dialog, click Yes.

  7. In the Oracle Applications Cloud Sign In dialog, enter your User ID and Password, and click Sign In.

Review Schedules and Provide Responses or Changes

Follow these steps to use the Acknowledge Schedules spreadsheet to review the downloaded schedules and provide your responses or changes.

  1. In the Acknowledge Schedules spreadsheet, there are two tabs: Instructions and Acknowledge Schedules.

  2. On the Acknowledge Schedules tab, review the schedules in the spreadsheet. Determine which schedules to accept, reject, propose changes for, or take no action on.

  3. For each schedule in the spreadsheet that you want to act on, you can optionally take one of the following actions:

    1. Provide an acknowledgment response. In the Response column, select either Accept or Reject.

      You must provide a reason when you reject a schedule.

      Note: Procurement agents can see rejection comments in the schedule status dialog window. They can either hover or click the schedule status to view the rejection reason.
    2. Propose changes to the promised date, ordered quantity, or to split the schedule.

      You must provide a reason when proposing a change to the promised date or ordered quantity.

      Use the Split button to stagger schedule deliveries. This runs an Excel macro, see the Instructions tab about enabling macros in Excel. You must update the quantity and promised date on the original and split schedule.

Upload Spreadsheet to Update Application

Follow these steps to upload the edited spreadsheet and update the application.

  1. In the Acknowledge Schedules tab, on the spreadsheet ribbon, click the Upload icon to submit your responses and proposed changes.

  2. The Status column for each row displays the processing status for the uploaded purchase order schedule.

    1. Processed rows show the status: Row Updated Successfully. Click the Status Viewer icon on the spreadsheet ribbon. In the Status Viewer pane you can see the message: No Error.

    2. Processed split rows show the status: Row inserted successfully. Click the Status Viewer icon on the spreadsheet ribbon. In the Status Viewer pane you can see the message: No Error.

    3. Rows with an upload error show the status: Update Failed. Click the Status Viewer icon on the spreadsheet ribbon. In the Status Viewer pane you can examine the error details.

You can work in small batches. Take action on a few rows and upload them. After successful processing, you can click the Download icon in the spreadsheet ribbon. The application downloads any purchase order schedules remaining in pending acknowledgment status at the document and schedule level.