About Debug Scripts

Scripts are generated in the Outbox folder, which can be accessed using the Profitability and Cost Management Cloud File Explorer.

The file name format for scripts is P+XX+RuleMemberName.txt, defined as follows:

  • P = POV

  • XX = last two digits of the selected POV member group ID

  • RuleMemberName = Unique rule member name assigned to the particular rule

For example, a generated script may be named P99R0001.txt.

Each script file has a header with the following information:

  • Application name

  • POV

  • Rule set name

  • Rule name

  • Rule sequence

  • Number of iterations

Individual script files are compressed into a larger file. When uncompressed, they run in Essbase MAXL without editing. If custom calculation formulas are used, their debug script files have the same name as the main script file, followed by an underscore and sequential number. For example, if a rule file script's file name is P5R0005.txt and it has two custom calculation scripts, their names are P5R0005_1.txt and P5R0005_2.txt. The ZIP file containing these scripts is Calc_Debug_Scripts_<appName>_<JobId>zip.