Defining Scatter Analysis Graphs

Working with Scatter Analysis Graphs describes scatter analysis graphs.

To define a scatter analysis graph:

  1. On the Profitability and Cost Management Home page, click Intelligence, Intelligence button, and then Scatter analysis graph icon.

    The Scatter Analysis screen is displayed, with controls for searching, sorting, and managing scatter analysis graphs (Common Feature Controls).

  2. On the Scatter Analysis screen, click Create, Create icon.


    You only see Create if your security provisioning enables you to use it.

  3. In Create Scatter Analysis, enter the following:

    • A Name for the scatter analysis graph

    • An optional Description

    • The Analysis View to provide data for the graph (Working with Analysis Views)

    • An X Axis Member to provide values to plot horizontally

    • An optional X Axis Label for the horizontal axis

    • A Y Axis Member to provide values to plot vertically

    • An optional Y Axis Label for the vertical axis


      For ease of use, create descriptive names and labels to help other users analyze the scatter analysis graph.

  4. When selections are complete, select Enabled, and then Save or Save and Close.

To open an existing scatter analysis graph definition for editing, select it and then click Edit, Edit icon.

In the Actions menu, you can also Copy the selected definition, or select Diagnose to view a detailed analysis of its contents.

To permanently delete a scatter analysis graph definition, select it and click Delete, Delete icon.

For an example of a scatter analysis graph definition and output, see Scatter Analysis Graph Example

To generate a scatter analysis graph, see Generating Scatter Analysis Graphs.