Filtering Dimension Members


Filtering selects a subset of dimension members to work with. Members not selected by the filter are not available for that operation. Filtering is useful only if the filtered member is a parent. The filter is based on its descendants.

Follow these steps to filter members in the Member Selection area of the Rule Definition screen:

  1. At the bottom of the Rule Definition area, click the arrow in front of Filter to expand the Filter area.

  2. To add a filter, click Add button or select Actions and then select Add Filter.

    Select a parameter such as Name or Attribute or UDA, an Operator such as = or <>, and then enter a Value to match. Click OK to display members that match Value and add the filter to the table.

  3. To edit a filter, select it and click Edit button. Change the filter as you want and then click OK.

  4. To delete a filter, select it and click Delete button. The filter is deleted.