Considerations for Nominating Resources on a Resource Request

As a resource manager, you can nominate one or more resources for a project resource request and submit them to the project manager for evaluation or directly approve when nominating the resources. The project manager reviews the nominated resources and can communicate to you

The project manager reviews the nominated resources and can communicate to you by updating the resource status on the request. You can also update the status of the resource or withdraw the nominated resources. Once the resource is finalized, the project manager can approve (depending on the settings) or sends the request back to you for the final assignment as a Confirmed or a Reserved resource.

As a resource manager, consider the following:

  • You can continue to nominate more resources on an unfulfilled request after you have nominated a few.

  • You can nominate the previously rejected or withdrawn resources again to the same request.

  • You can update the assignment status or roles for the nominated resources.

  • You can nominate and approve resources if the number of resources nominated is less than or equal to the remaining quantity on the request.

  • If you update the requested quantity from multiple to one on an existing request where already one resource was assigned, the status of the request is fulfilled.

  • If the project manager rejects all the resources, and there are no more resources in Nominated status or there are no confirmed or reserved resources on this request, the assignment status moves to Open.

  • An application administrator can configure the set up so that both project and resource managers can approve the resources on a request.

  • An application administrator can create custom status that the project manager and the resource manager can use to create, communicate, and track the status of the nominated resource.

Let's take a look at the workflow for nominating a resource from resource being nominated to a nominated resource being approved or rejected.

Directly Nominate Resources to Request

If you already know the specific resources you want to nominate, then you can select the Nominate Resources action on the Edit Project Resource Request page or Manage Resource Request page, and select the resources.

Evaluate Resources and Nominate

If you don't know the specific resources you want to nominate, then you can search for the resources you want to nominate. Select the Evaluate Resources action on Edit Project Resource Request page or Manage Project Resource Requests page, select Nominate, and select the resources.

Update Status of the Resource

You or the project manager can update the resource status for nominated resources to communicate where resources are in the evaluation cycle for the request on the Manage Resources for Request page.

Withdraw Resource

You can withdraw a resource that you nominated on a request on the Manage Resources for Request page. You can't withdraw a resource that's in Requested or Rejected status.

Request Fulfillment

When the project manager has finalized the nominated resource to assign, if your set up allows the project manager to approve the resources, project manager can approve the resource for assignment. If not, then the project manager must request you for resource assignment. You can then approve the resource requested by project manager to fulfill the request.

If you reject the requested resource, the project manager can select another nominated resource if the request quantity is more than one and the status is In Process for Multiple Resources. If there are other resources still nominated, the request status remains Nominated. If all other nominated resources are Rejected or Withdrawn, the request status changes to Open.

After the request is fulfilled, the application changes the remaining nominated resources to the Rejected status.