How can I copy and paste tasks in projects?

You can copy and paste a task in financial or non-financial projects to quickly add new work to the project plan.

You can either copy a lowest level task or a non-expanded summary task to paste. If you copy only the expanded summary task and then paste it, its child tasks don't get pasted.

The following task information gets copied and pasted to the new task:

  • Task name and description
  • Efforts and duration
  • Dependencies and constraints
  • Labor and Expense resource assignments
  • Deliverables
  • Gate approvers for gates
  • Priority
  • Schedule Mode and Schedule Type
  • Deadline
  • Additional Task Information
Few points to consider while copying and pasting tasks:
  • You can copy and paste lowest level tasks any time.
  • Select only a single task to copy. You can't select and copy multiple tasks at the same time.
  • If you select to copy a summary task in expanded version, then only that task is copied and the subtasks tasks aren't copied. Alternatively, collapse the summary task to copy and paste that task and all of its subtasks.
  • If constraints and dependencies are present on either the copied or the summary task under which they will be pasted, then they will be applied.
  • If there are constraint violations, then you get to choose what to do.
  • If there are no constraints or dependencies, then the pasted tasks will inherit the project start date as the default start date.