Best Practices for Editing Invoice Transactions

When reviewing an invoice, you have the option of editing transactions at the header, line, and details levels. Actions performed at the header level apply to every invoice line.

Actions performed on an invoice line are applied to every expenditure item or event associated with the invoice line. Alternatively, adjust an individual expenditure item or event.

To edit invoice transactions you choose from the following options:

  • Adjust transactions

  • Remove transactions

  • Recalculate the invoice details

  • Recalculate extensions

The following table explains the various invoice adjustment actions and the corresponding invoice status when you can perform these actions.

Type of Adjustment Action

Invoice Status When Available

Adjust transactions

  • Set an expenditure item to nonbillable

  • Place an expenditure item or billing event on invoice hold

Released, Accepted, Transferred, and Draft

Remove transactions


Recalculate invoice details

Released, Accepted, Transferred, Transfer Rejected, and Draft

Recalculate extensions


Adjusting Transactions

When invoice is in draft status, adjust a transaction when you want to remove it from the invoice line details and delete its corresponding billing transaction. The transaction moves to the unbilled transactions region of the invoice, where you can return it to billable status if it is an expenditure item or remove the invoice hold when you are ready to invoice it at a later time. The funds consumed amount on the contract is updated to reflect the adjusted amount.

If you adjust a transaction on a released, transferred, transfer rejected, or accepted invoice, you don't remove the transaction from the invoice line details. Instead, you mark it for adjustment processing. The next time you run the Generate Invoice process, you will create an invoice distribution line that reverses the invoiced amount and reduces the funds consumed amount on the contract. If you don't enable net invoicing, you will create a separate credit memo. If you enable net invoicing but not net credit, you will create a separate standard invoice with a credit invoice line for the reversal and positive invoice lines for new transactions included. If you enable both net invoicing and net credit, you will create a separate credit memo with a credit invoice line for the reversal and a positive invoice line for the same transaction, if you set it back to billable or removed the invoice hold.

Removing Transactions

Remove a transaction when you want to remove the transaction completely from the current invoice. The transaction will be invoiced in next billing cycle. The funds consumed amount on the contract is not updated.

Recalculating Invoice Details

Recalculate the invoice details after you make a change to a transaction that affects the invoice amount. You may need to recalculate invoice details if you change a bill rate or make changes to the contract.

If you recalculate the invoice details for an invoice in draft status, the transaction amount is updated in the invoice lines details. However, if you recalculate the invoice details for an invoice in released or higher status, the transaction is only marked for recalculation. You must run the Generate Invoice process to actually perform the recalculation, which may result in a reversal of the previous invoiced amount and the invoicing of a new amount.

Recalculating Extensions

Recalculate the extensions for an invoice if you made a change to a billing extension after generating the invoice. The modified amount from the extension will be included in the invoice after you recalculate the extension. Recalculate extensions before you submit the invoice for approval.