Navigating to Business License Activity Details

The business license activity detail pages contain the information you need to manage business license and consultation applications throughout their lifecycle, such as workflow, fees and payments, communications, and more.

You navigate to the activity details through a panel with tabs on the left side of the page. Only users with PSC_BL_ACCESS_CONFIDENTIAL_DATA permissions get full access to the license activity for a business license.

Access the activity details through the Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard, then select the consultation or business license application from the list on the Transactions page. You’ll find these tabs for viewing details about this application:

Tabs for navigating to pages containing details about consultation and business license activity

Page Name


Activity Summary

View a summary of activity for the business license or consultation with links to more detail.

See Viewing a Summary of Business License Activity.

Business Information

View and update business information associated with a business license or consultation captured during the application process.

  • Business Details

  • Owners

  • Location

See Viewing Business Information.

You can find business information associated with an issued license on the license pages. See Managing Business Information.


View the workflow status of each task as defined by the agency using Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC).

See Using Workflow and Managing Tasks.

Application Details

Review information captured from the application intake form that is specific to the type of business license or consultation.

See Viewing Business Application Information.


Review and add contacts for the permit.

See Adding Contacts to Applications.


View a list of files and upload or download documents on this page.

Working with Attachments.


Review or add comments pertaining to this permit.

Working with Comments.

Fees and Payments

Manage fees and payments.

See Working with Fees and Payments.


Send ad hoc email messages and notifications associated with this business license or consultation transaction.

See Working with Communications and Working with Ad Hoc Communications.

Status History

View the history of application status changes.

See Viewing Application Status History.

Related Transactions

Create and view links between transactions.

See Working with Related Transactions.