Back Button Behavior

This topic describes how to use and what to expect when using the back button in Public Sector Cloud services.

Public Sector Cloud applications display a Go Back button (back button) in the global header just to the left of the Global Navigation button. The following list describes the characteristics and behavior of the Go Back button.

The Go Back button:

  • Displays on all form factors, from small (smartphone) to large (desktop computer).

  • Can be identified by the chevron image, pointing left, just to the left of the Global Navigation button.

  • When displayed on a small form factor (smartphone), the system does not display the Global Navigation button, when the back button is displayed.

  • Displays on the header for all application pages, but does not on the springboard or landing page (the first page displayed when accessing the system).

  • Stores history for end user page-to-page navigation by means of the provided navigation devices (navigator menu, springboard, search, and so on).

  • Does not store history for in-page navigation (except in certain cases where delivered pages have been specifically designed to track in-page history). For example, the system does not maintain history of switching between various tabs on a single page or drilling into a detail pane from a primary list in a single page, and so on.