One of your ideas has been delivered from your suggestion.Learning Catalog Search Configuration

You can now tailor the learner self-service catalog search experience by configuring the application to produce fewer, more targeted search results.  Here are the three search modes you can choose from. Search terms are the words provided for the keyword search. For example, Oracle Learning is two search terms.

  • Aggressive Mode (default): This is the existing search mode and the default setting.  It returns the most learning items. When learners search using multiple search terms, this mode returns learning that matches any one of the terms.
  • Relaxed Mode: This new mode returns the fewest learning items.  When learners search using multiple search terms, this mode returns only the learning that contains all the terms.
  • Neutral Mode: This new mode returns more learning than the relaxed mode but fewer learning than the aggressive mode.  When learners search using multiple search terms, this mode returns only the learning that contains all the terms.

Here's how each mode finds relevant learning and the attributes the search terms are matched against.

Learning Attribute Aggressive Relaxed Neutral Relevancy

Starts with any one of the search terms


Contains any one of the search terms in any order or position

Is an exact match to the search terms


Contains all search terms as entered

Is an exact match to the search terms


Contains all search terms as entered


Contains all search terms individually in any order or position

1 (highest)

Skills and Qualifications

Contains any one of the provided search terms

Contains all search terms as entered

Contains all search terms as entered


Contains all search terms individually in any order or position


Short or long description

Contains any one of the provided search terms

Contains all search terms as entered

Contains all search terms as entered


Contains all search terms individually in any order or position


Learning item number

Is an exact match to the search terms

Is an exact match to the search terms


Starts with all search terms as entered

Is an exact match to the search terms


Starts with all search terms as entered

4 (lowest)

Relevancy of the search result is determined by how the search term matches the attribute, in the order listed in the table.  For example, learning containing the search terms in the title has a higher relevancy than another learning containing the search terms in the short or long descriptions.

This enhancement enables you to tailor the learner experience for a more natural browsing experience, making it easier for learners to find relevant content.

Steps to Enable

Set the value for ORA_WLF_SS_CATALOG_SEARCH_MODE profile option at the site or user level. To configure a profile option, complete these steps in the Setup and Maintenance work area:

  1. Search for and click the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for and select the ORA_WLF_SS_CATALOG_SEARCH_MODE profile option.
  3. Set the Level to either Site or User.
  4. In the Profile Value field, select the appropriate value.