Search Engine Optimization Enhancements

Take note that to optimize career sites for search engines, all career site pages are now included in a new sitemap called careerSitePages. This new sitemap is in addition to the previously-added jobPostings sitemap that included just the job posting pages. The careerSitePages sitemap allows search engines to crawl and index all event pages, custom pages, splash pages, and search results pages.

Both the careerSitePages sitemap and jobPostings sitemap files are included in the parent file called sitemapindex, and they'll be submitted to Google search engine for indexing.

A hidden sitemap link in the career site has been added to the header so all the career site pages can be easily discovered and crawled by the Googlebot.

This feature improves search engine optimization, and the ability for Googlebot to discover career site pages.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.