Direct Apply Job Application Status Notifications

You can send notifications to Direct Apply partners to inform them of the status of their job applications.

As an administrator, you can configure a candidate selection process to automatically send notifications to Direct Apply partners when their job applications are moved to a phase or state. You can select one of these delivered reference partner statuses:

  • New
  • Under Consideration
  • Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Offer Extended
  • Background Check
  • Hired
  • Rejected
  • Withdrawn

NOTE: The New status might not be of any use for job applications, since the status of newly created job applications is set to New. However, the New status can be used when partners create prospects. Validate with your partners if they’ll use that scenario.

With this feature, partners are notified in real time of the status of their job applications, without having to make get calls. In previous releases, the only option was to make get calls without knowing if the job applications had changed, thus generating useless traffic.

Steps to Enable

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, click on an existing process.
  3. Click on a phase of the candidate selection process.
  4. In the States for Phase section, click the Actions menu next to a state, then select Add Action Send Direct Apply Notification.
  5. On the Action: Send Direct Apply Notification page, select a reference partner status.
  6. Click Continue.

Tips And Considerations

Note these special use cases for specific partners.

  • Indeed is a partner under Profile Import. The Direct Apply activation is done separately. The Direct Apply partner provides a .zip file when they declare general availability of their Apply Sync solution. 
  • LinkedIn is a partner under Profile Import. However, the Direct Apply configuration is done in the Profile Import area. LinkedIn needs to configure the notifications service to use this integration and they need to have up-to-date job application statuses.
  • For all other Direct Apply partners, you need to verify if they support job application notifications and upload the appropriate .zip file accordingly.