Group Combined Table - Select All - Show Group Combined Collapse Option

This feature provides you with the option to configure your Grouped Combined Tables, so that when you Select All in the parent table the Grouped Combined Table is shown in either a Collapsed or Expanded view.

In the example below, the Group Combined Table is configured with the Show Group Combined Collapse checkbox unchecked. 

Show Group Combined Collapse Unchecked

Show Group Combined Collapse Unchecked

With the Show Group Combined Collapse checkbox unchecked, when you perform a Select All, the results in the Group Combined Table will be returned in an expanded view - as shown below.

Show Group Combined Collapse Checkbox Unchecked - Expanded Results View

Show Group Combined Collapse Checkbox Unchecked - Expanded Results View

In the example below, the Group Combined Table is configured with the Show Group Combined Collapse checkbox is checked.

Show Group Combined Collapse Checked

Show Group Combined Collapse Checked

With the Show Group Combined Collapse checkbox checked, when you perform a Select All, the results in the Group Combined Table will be returned in a collapsed view - as shown below.

Show Group Combined Collapse Checked - Collapsed Results View

Show Group Combined Collapse Checked - Collapsed Results View

This feature provides usability and performance improvements for your Group Combined Table configurations.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Tips And Considerations

The Show Group Combined Collapse configuration only works for Select All, the previous behavior for individual selections still applies.  The latest selected is always expanded at the bottom of the list, while previously selected records will show as collapsed.

In the example below, the highlighted Order Release was the last selected  - the Group Combined Table has the last selected at the bottom and is expanded, all the other previously selected records are collapsed  - this is the behavior whether the Show Group Combined Collapse option is checked or unchecked.  

Individual Selection Behavior

Individual Selection Behavior