Work Assignment Workbench - Sample Workbench Layout

This feature provides you with a sample Public workbench layout designed to provide an end-to-end use case demonstration of the OTM Fleet Management Work Assignment capabilities.  As is the case for all of the sample workbench layouts, you can use the Work Assignment Workbench as is, or (more likely) you can copy the sample workbench and then configure the workbench layout to better match your specific needs..

This Work Assignment Workbench is accessed via Fleet Management > Work Assignment Workbench as shown below.

Work Assignment Workbench - Fleet Management Menu

Work Assignment Workbench - Fleet Management Menu

The Work Assignment Workbench is also a selectable workbench within the Enhanced Workbench itself.

The Work Assignment Workbench is designed to allow you to demonstrate the end-to-end lifecycle and usage of the Fleet Management Work Assignment, ->starting with Order Releases moving through Shipment Planning and Work Assignment Planning.  

The Work Assignment Workbench consists of multiple panes with multiple tabs, a map, and the Work Assignment Gantt.

Work Assignment Workbench

Work Assignment Workbench

The lower left pane includes a tab (Shipments on Order) that has been configured to demonstrate the Group Combined Detail Table configuration option.  In this example, the Shipments on Order tab will show for the selected Order Release from in the upper left pane, the Order Release and all the associated Shipments.  So, for Order Release Tuan.NR-WA-001 the Order Release is on the Shipment TUAN.20170510136865, which is one of the two shipments that make up the Work Assignment PHILLY-NEWARK that is shown on the Gantt.   

Group Combined Detail Example

Group Combined Detail Example

The options for Combined Detail Type include Grouped Combined Table, which is how the sample workbench is configured, this option shows the details of all the parent tables selected in the Associated Tables list as a combined group - in this example only one of the possible Associate Tables is selected  as shown below.  The second Group Combined Detail option is Ungrouped Combined Detail which shows the details of all of the parent tables selected in the Associated Tables list as a single list of records.

.Table Configuration for Grouped Combined Detail

Table Configuration for Grouped Combined Detail

The Work Assignment Workbench simplifies the configuration time and effort required to configure an effective workbench layout for your operational end-users.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.