Execute Replenishment Wave from Movement Request and Work Order UIs

We’ve enhanced the Movement Request and Work Order Inquiry UIs with a Run Wave button so that you can now run replenishment waves. This will help to make replenishment more efficient, minimizing  disruptions and enhancing space utilization.


We’ve enhanced the Movement Request and Movement Request Detail UI to include a Run Wave button so that you can now run movement requests from both the Movement Request Header and Movement Request Detail UIs.

Movement Request Headers

Movement Request Headers

When you click the Run Wave button, the run wave pop-up will appear with a Wave Template option.

Run Wave

Run Wave

From the drop-down, you can view all the waves with 'Replenishment Trigger Mode' - 'Movement Request Based Replenishment' available from the Replenishment Template UI. From the Run Wave pop-up, you can select the Replenishment Template and Run single/multiple Movement Requests.

NOTE: You can only Run Movement Request that are in Created, or Partly Allocated status.

After you click Submit, the following message will display, allowing you to confirm if you want to run the wave:

Confirm Wave Run

Confirm Wave Run

NOTE: Once you click OK to accept the confirmation message, and the system runs the Replenishment wave for the selected Movement request, the system will display a wave success confirmation message.


You can now run specific work orders directly from the Work Order Inquiry UI without needing to go to the Work Order Wave Template UI.

Work Order Inquiry

Work Order Inquiry

From the Work Order Inquiry UI, you can run work orders that are in 'Created, or Partly Allocated' status.

Wave Completed

Wave Completed

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources