Process Similar Group Number File for Movement Request in JSON Format

We have introduced the ability to process Movement Requests in JSON Format in release 24B. The Movement Request interface is also supported from a prebuilt integration standpoint as well.

NOTE: The Creation of movement requests for specific serial numbers is considered in JSON format, only.

In general, Fusion inventory sends the Movement request (Work order) via OIC layer which later process the records to WMS table. Sometimes, the OIC may limit processing specific number of records per entity to WMS in one go. However, if a movement request is interfaced with records exceeding the OIC limit, the system potentially sends the records in multiple batches to WMS (only, if movement request supports partial allocation) via CREATE and UPDATE action code.

But, if the movement request does not support partial allocation or honors pick set (where all contents of the movement request is be allocated completely), then after placing these batches in stage tables, the WMS may begin to pick the contents of the movement request for waving even before the subsequent or remaining batches of records are interfaced to the WMS for the same movement request. In such cases, the system may not guarantee allocation of all the movement request records in one go. So, to achieve seamless allocation of records for a movement request, we have expanded the INIT_STAGE_INTERFACE_API with new parameters.

In 24C, we've introduced the following additional parameters where WMS picks the movement request for processing only after all the records are placed into stage table:

NOTE: These parameters are also supported in JSON format for movement request.

  • prevent_stage_hdr_record_creation_flg:
    • When set to No (default): The system creates new header record for the entity key in the corresponding stage tables.
    • When set to Yes: A new header record will not be created in stage tables and detail records is appended to stage header record with same file group number.  is considered True as JSON format for Movement request is introduced in 24B release.
  • file_group_num_without_timestamp_flg:
    • When set to NO: The system generates the filegroup number (message_id appended with timestamp(YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format) as the file group number.
    • When set to Yes: Then file group number will be same as message_id passed in the XML payload.

These new parameters are mostly likely used for prebuilt integration purposes. We recommend customers to have a good understanding about the parameter behaviour and impacts.  Refer to the Integration API guide for more details.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources