Adaptive Search-Based Visualizations: Entity/Object-Based Configurations

Traditionally, creating visualizations required users to first perform the technical and time-consuming task of creating a Saved Search and then share it with the intended audience. The new Adaptive Search-Based Visualizations feature revolutionizes this process by allowing Sales Administrators to create visualizations directly based on the objects. This feature provides an intuitive interface where users can:

  • Create Entity/Object-Based Visualization: Administrators can select entities or objects directly and start creating visualizations without the need of pre-configured Saved Searches.
  • Define Custom Aggregations: Tailor the data aggregations directly within the visualization tool, without needing pre-defined searches.
  • Directly Apply Filters: Seamlessly apply filters to refine data directly within the visualization setup, enhancing the relevance and clarity of the data presented.
  • User-Friendly Interface: A simplified, more intuitive process for creating visualizations, reducing the technical barrier and time investment previously required.

This feature significantly enhances the efficiency and accessibility of data analysis and reporting for Sales Administrators, leading to more effective and timely insights.

The Adaptive Search-Based Visualizations feature provides several key benefits:

  • Increased Efficiency: By eliminating the need for Saved Searches, Sales Administrators can create visualizations more quickly and easily, reducing the time and effort required for data analysis.
  • Enhanced Usability: The intuitive interface makes it easier for users with varying levels of technical expertise to create and customize visualizations, democratizing access to data insights.
  • Improved Data Analysis: Custom aggregations and filters within the visualization tool allow for more precise and relevant data analysis, leading to better-informed business decisions.
  • Greater Flexibility: The ability to adapt and refine visualizations on the fly allows for more dynamic and responsive data reporting, meeting the changing needs of the business more effectively.

By implementing this feature, organizations can empower their Sales Administrators to leverage data more effectively, driving improved performance and strategic decision-making.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Create an Adaptive Search based Visualizations using the Visualization Configuration Tool

Access Requirements

A Sales Administrator will be able to access the Visualization Configuration Tool and Create Object based Visualization Configurations.