Create multiple visualizations from OTBI analysis and drill down to a Redwood table view

This feature allows Administrators to leverage existing OTBI Analyses to build various visualizations without creating a separate analysis for every visualization. Administrators can select an existing analysis, choose from multiple visualization types, customize their selections, and drill down to a detailed Redwood Table View for comprehensive data insights.


  • OTBI Analysis Selection: Administrators can choose any existing OTBI Analysis to create a visualization in the Visualization Configuration tool.
  • Drill-Down Capability:
    • Seamless Transition: Users can click on data points within visualizations to drill down into a detailed Redwood Table View.
    • In-Depth Insights: The Redwood Table View presents detailed, granular information related to the selected data point, enabling users to explore the underlying data thoroughly.
    • Enhanced User Experience: The integration with the Redwood UI ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience, making it easier for users to derive valuable insights and make data-driven decisions.

The feature provides several key benefits:

  • Efficient: By allowing administrators to create multiple visualizations from a single OTBI Analysis, the feature reduces the time and effort required to generate separate analyses for each visualization.
  • Reduced Redundancy: This streamlined process minimizes redundant work, allowing users to focus on analyzing and interpreting data rather than creating reports.
  • Deeper Analysis: The ability to drill down from visualizations to a detailed tabular view enables users to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data, uncover trends, and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Intuitive Interface: The integration with the Redwood UI provides a user-friendly interface, enhancing the overall experience and making it easier for users to interact with and explore their data.
  • Seamless Workflow: The seamless transition between visualizations and detailed views ensures a smooth workflow, allowing users to navigate through their data effortlessly.

By implementing this feature, organizations can enhance the efficiency of their reporting processes, empower users with deeper data insights, and ultimately drive better business outcomes.

Steps to Enable

You don't need to do anything to enable this feature.

Key Resources

Create an OTBI Analysis based Visualization using the Visualization Configuration Tool

Access Requirements

A Sales Administrator will be able to access the Visualization Configuration Tool and Create Visualizations based on any existing OTBI analysis.