Summarize Supplier Registration Attachments with Generative AI

Attachments in a supplier registration request are required to collect information necessary for vetting a potential supplier. It's time consuming for approvers to drill down on each attachment to verify the content of the document. Use generative AI to provide automated summaries of attached documents in a supplier registration to expedite approval. With generative AI, you can improve efficiency for approvers and reduce supplier registration cycle times.

Supplier registration approvers can view auto-generated attachment summaries on the approval notification. These summaries are generated for file type attachments added in the Company Details section of the supplier registration.

Attachment Summaries in Worklist Notification

Attachment Summaries in Registration Approval Notification

Here's the demo of these capabilities:

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Procurement

Tips And Considerations

  • Attachment summaries are displayed in worklist and email notifications for both external and internal supplier registrations.

  • Summaries are generated only for file type attachments added in the Company Details section of the registration request. Attachments of type: URL or Text or attachments added for Business Classifications and Bank Accounts are not summarized.

  • Attachment file formats currently supported for summarization are PDF and Text. Support for other file formats is planned in future updates.

  • Summaries are generated only in English regardless of the language of the file attachment.

  • Attachment summaries are generated by artificial intelligence and may contain inaccuracies.

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