View Additional Requisition Details

You can now view requisition details such as Charge Account, Destination Type, Current Approver, Project details, Requisition header DFFs, Special handling DFFs, Funds Status, Tax attributes, and Import Source in the Responsive Self Service Procurement application. You can also view the requisition line summary on this page and view additional requisition line details on the line drawer. You can navigate to and view the details for all requisition lines within the drawer without closing the drawer.

View Requisition Details

View Requisition Details

View Requisition Line Details

View Requisition Line Details

You can navigate to the Requisition Details page from the My Recent Requisitions section on the Home page and the My Requisitions page. You can navigate to the requisition line details drawer using the View Line Details action available on a requisition line either from the Requisition Details page or from a line on the My Requisitions page.

View Details Navigation

View Details Navigation

View Line Details Navigation

View Line Details Navigation

The Requisition Details page provides you with a comprehensive view of the requisition. You can also initiate these actions on either the requisition or individual lines as applicable:

  • Edit
  • Duplicate
  • Withdraw
  • Delete
  • View Approvers
  • View Lifecycle
  • View Document History
  • View Order Details

Steps to Enable

Use the Opt In UI to enable this feature. For instructions, refer to the Optional Uptake of New Features section of this document.

Offering: Procurement

If you want to use the View Additional Requisition Details feature, then you must opt in to its parent feature: Procure Goods and Services Using the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application. If you’ve already opted into this parent feature, then you don’t have to opt in again.

Tips And Considerations

  • Both the Requisition Details page and the line drawer are enabled for extensibility using Business Rules.
  • Guided Journey support is available on the Requisition Details page and the Line drawer.
  • The requisition header and line-level tax attributes are hidden by default.

Key Resources

Access Requirements

Users who are assigned a configured job role that contains this privilege can access this feature:

  • Manage Requisition with the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application (POR_MANAGE_REQ_WITH_PWA_PRIV) to access the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application.

This privilege isn’t required if you have opted in to the Enable the Responsive Version as the Default Self Service Procurement Application feature to access the Responsive Self Service Procurement application.

This privilege was available prior to this update.