Business Unit Options for Oracle Digital Assistant Help Desk Skill

The Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) Help Desk Skill will now allow administrators to choose how the business unit is identified. There are now three options, including using the existing profile option, having the employee user select the business unit in a drop-down within ODA, or to use the Business Unit of the logged in employee.

This gives administrators more flexibility in the way that they use business units within Oracle Digital Assistant.

Steps to Enable

To specify how the Business Unit is to be determined within the helpdesk skill for Oracle Digital Assistant:

  1. Log into the Oracle Digital Assistant.
  2. Navigate to Development -> Skills.
  3. Select the Helpdesk skill.
  4. Click on the Configuration tab.
  5. Under Custom Parameters, click on BuOrgID and then click on the Edit button to edit this parameter.
  6. Set the Value to one of the following, depending upon what is desired:
    1. Default - Business Unit is determined by the Profile Option, HZ-DEFAULT_BU_CRM.
    2. User_Input - Employee will be prompted for appropriate business unit. 
    3. LoggedInUser_BuOrgID - The business unit associated with the logged in user is used.
  7. Click OK.

Configuring ODA Business Unit

Configuring ODA Business Unit

Key Resources

After this release is generally available, a video of how to configure this feature will be found at Help Desk - Oracle Video Hub.

Access Requirements

This setup must be done by Oracle Digital Assistant Administrators.