Customer Dashboard

Use the Customer Dashboard to view billing account information using Redwood styling and templates. You can easily see multiple data points and drill down for rich content without leaving your context. The Customer Dashboard has three main tabs that provide different details about your billing accounts. The Overview tab provides an at-a-glance view of key points, the current bill amount, insights, and recent activities. The Billing tab displays billing details of current and historical charges, as well as payment and adjustment history. The Usage tab displays the current and historical consumption for the billing account.

The Customer Dashboard enables utilities to shrink agent onboarding and training time by providing relevant data in a format users expect. The Customer Dashboard groups customer information and utility data in a user-friendly way to provide efficient and comprehensive support for agents.

Steps to Enable

To enable this feature, set the profile option ORA_UER_AGENT_SERVICE_DASHBOARD to be accessible at the Site or User level. 

See "Setting Profile Options" in the Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities Implementation Guide for additional information about this setup.

Key Resources

  • For more information about the Customer Dashboard feature, see "Using the Customer Dashboard" in the Oracle Customer Experience for Utilities Agent Service User Guide.