Change History

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July 2024

The following table lists the changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Sales Forecast Metric Source Dimension Mappings New Resource The sales forecast metric source dimension mappings resource captures a dimension mapping for a given metric source. It indicates the list of dimensions that are supported for a metric source.
Sales Forecast Dimension Metadata New Resource The sales forecast dimension metadata resource captures information related to custom dimensions such as the lookup type or object name as well as the related opportunity or revenue attribute.
Supported Attribute Values New LOV This list of values includes the attributes that are supported for while creating the criteria for Day 0 or purge operations.
Supported Operators New LOV This list of values includes the operators that are supported for the attributes that are used for creating the criteria for Day 0 or purge operations.
Feed Supported Attributes New LOV This list of values includes the attributes that are supported for while creating the criteria for Day 0 or purge operations.
Feed Supported Objects New LOV This list of values includes the feed objects that are supported for feed.

April 2024

The following table lists the changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Technician Preferences New Resource Technician preferences captures information of the required or preferred technician at a customer site. It also records whether a technician is forbidden. These preferences can by identified and sent with the work order to Oracle Field Service and will be taken into consideration when assigning activities to technicians. These preferences can be identified for an account or a service profile.
Technician Preferences View New Resource The technician view preferences provides a view of technicians that are required, preferred, or forbidden for a given site. You can also view customer account provided with the site preferences shown as precedence.
Technician's Access Hours New Resource The technician's access hours identifies the hours in which a technician can access a customer site.
Technician's Access Hours Adjusted for Overrides New Resource The technician's access hours adjusted for overrides identifies the hours in which a technician has access to a customer site which is adjusted for any overrides applied.
Technician's Access off Days New Resource The technician's access off days identifies when a technician can't access a customer site.
Technician's Access off Days Adjusted for Overrides New Resource The technician's access off days identifies the time when a technician is unable to access a customer site which is adjusted for overrides.
Technician's Access Schedules New Resource A technician's access schedule captures the days and time when a technician can access the customer site, and also days and time when access isn't available. You can set this at primary, country and region, account, and site levels. Access hours record the times when scheduling is available. You can also record the days when no work should be assigned. The access can be overridden when scheduling a work order in urgent situations. You can change working hours and nonworking days for a specific work order. For example, you can remove nonworking days or add different nonworking days. This ability to override is controlled by a privilege.

January 2024

The following table lists the changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Subscription Balance Registers New Resource The subscription balance registers resource is used to view a balance registers.
Subscription Balance Profiles New Resource The subscription balance profiles resource is used to view, create, update, and delete a balance profile.
Subscription Entitlement Plans New Resource The subscription entitlement plans resource is used to view, create, update, and delete an entitlement plan.

October 2023

The following table lists the changes introduced in this version of the document.

Change Type Description
Use Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to Manage Web Applications Data New Topic Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel lets you rapidly integrate web applications via REST resources to retrieve, analyze, and edit data. The next table lists some tasks that you can do with Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel.
Sales Forecast Metric Definitions New Resource The sales forecast metric definition is used to view and manage the definitions of sales forecast metrics such as Best Case and Commit metric sources.
Sales Forecast Metric Sources New Resource The sales forecast metric source resource is used to view and manage the dimensions such as territory, team member, product and revenue category type for the opportunity or revenue metric source.
Service Addresses New Child Resource of Service Requests A service address represents the location information that will guide technicians in providing service to the right location. The service address can be an existing address in the system, or it can be entered as a single-use address.