Manage Oracle CX Records

Oracle CX REST APIs make integration easy with third party applications. Check out the REST API Endpoints to know the methods available for each Oracle CX API. To understand how you can work with these APIs, let's go through the following tasks:
  1. Get Your Oracle CX Version
  2. Get Your List of Resources
  3. Create Your Record
  4. Get Your Record
  5. Get Your Record Using Finders
  6. Update Your Record

Get Your Oracle CX Version

First, let's get the REST API versions supported by your instance of Oracle CX.

Send a GET request using the following URL for a list of supported versions.

Example URL

Method: GET

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"items": [
"version": "",
"isLatest": true,
"adf:extension": {
"links": [],
"version": "",
"adf:extension": {
"links": [],
"version": "",
"adf:extension": {
"links": [],

For the next set of sample tasks, let's use as the version.

Get Your List of Resources

Next, let's programmatically get a list of resources available in your version of the Oracle CX service. To get the list, send a GET request with the following URL.

Example URL

Method: GET

Notice that we are getting the list of resources in the crmRestApi container associated with Oracle CX.

Example Response

Here's an example response with the list of resources that you can access:

"Resources": {
"competitors": {
"wrapUps": {
"presentationSessions": {
"activities": {
"opportunities": {

Note the resource that you want to work with. For the next set of sample tasks, we will work with the Opportunities resource.

Create Your Record

Let's get started by creating an opportunity using the Opportunities resource.

We will use the POST method to create an opportunity with the name Big Data Analytics Servers.

For other resources, see their respective Create section to know the attributes required for create. The section would also have sample request and response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Method: POST

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

"Name" : "Big Data Analytics Servers"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"items": [
"BudgetAvailableDate": null,
"BudgetedFlag": false,
"PrimaryOrganizationId": 204,
"ChampionFlag": false,
"CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"CreationDate": "2018-01-08T12:00:24.972+00:00",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"SalesMethodId": 300100073102472,
"SalesStageId": 300100073102473,
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"DealHorizonCode": null,
"DecisionLevelCode": null,
"Description": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-01-08T12:24:05.310+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"LastUpdateLogin": "6242B5ED93BE3EC9E0539EBDF20ABB8B",
"Name": "Big Data Analytics Servers",
"OptyId": 300100125332293,
"OptyNumber": "CDRM_93472",
"OwnerResourcePartyId": 100010025532672,
"PrimaryCompetitorId": null,
"KeyContactId": null,
"ReasonWonLostCode": null,
"RiskLevelCode": null,
"StatusCode": "OPEN",
"StrategicLevelCode": null,
"PrimaryRevenueId": 300100125332294,
"TargetPartyId": 300100125332282,
"TargetPartyName": "Vision Corporation",
"SalesMethod": "Sales Process",
"SalesStage": "Stage1",
"DescriptionText": "Stage1",
"AverageDaysAtStage": null,
"MaximumDaysInStage": null,
"QuotaFactor": 0,

You will also get the response code 201, which indicates that the record has been created.

You might need to run some business processes when you create a record. These processes aren't automatically run when you create a record through REST API. It's recommended that you schedule such processes to run daily. This would ensure that the business processes are run all records created through REST APIs.

Get Your Record

Now, let us get the opportunity record we just created.

Before you get the record, you need to know the unique identifier of that record. You can get that by listing all the records for the resource.

We will use the GET method with this URL to list all the Opportunity records.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Method: GET

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format, with a list of opportunities that you can access:

"items": [
"BudgetAvailableDate": null,
"BudgetedFlag": false,
"PrimaryOrganizationId": 204,
"ChampionFlag": false,
"CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"CreationDate": "2018-01-08T12:00:24.972+00:00",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"SalesMethodId": 300100073102472,
"SalesStageId": 300100073102473,
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"DealHorizonCode": null,
"DecisionLevelCode": null,
"Description": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-01-08T12:24:05.310+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"LastUpdateLogin": "6242B5ED93BE3EC9E0539EBDF20ABB8B",
"Name": "Big Data Analytics Servers",
"OptyId": 300100125332293,
"OptyNumber": "CDRM_93472",
"OwnerResourcePartyId": 100010025532672,
"PrimaryCompetitorId": null,
"KeyContactId": null,
"ReasonWonLostCode": null,
"RiskLevelCode": null,
"StatusCode": "OPEN",
"StrategicLevelCode": null,
"PrimaryRevenueId": 300100125332294,
"TargetPartyId": 300100125332282,
"TargetPartyName": "Vision Corporation",
"SalesMethod": "Sales Process",
"SalesStage": "Stage1",
"DescriptionText": "Accelerated sales process - stage 1",
"AverageDaysAtStage": null,
"MaximumDaysInStage": null,
"QuotaFactor": 0,
"BudgetAvailableDate": null,
"BudgetedFlag": false,
"PrimaryOrganizationId": 204,
"ChampionFlag": false,
"CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"CreationDate": "2018-01-03T04:02:30.801+00:00",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"SalesMethodId": 300100073102472,
"SalesStageId": 300100073102473,
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"DealHorizonCode": null,
"DecisionLevelCode": null,
"Description": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-01-03T04:04:37.956+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"LastUpdateLogin": "61D4E597C30B4BA8E0539EBDF20A589F",
"Name": "SaSS Application Suite",
"OptyId": 300100125073393,
"OptyNumber": "CDRM_91468",
"OwnerResourcePartyId": 100010025532672,
"PrimaryCompetitorId": null,
"KeyContactId": null,
"ReasonWonLostCode": null,
"RiskLevelCode": null,
"StatusCode": "OPEN",
"StrategicLevelCode": null,
"PrimaryRevenueId": 300100125073394,
"TargetPartyId": 300100124384171,
"TargetPartyName": "Pinnacle Technologies",
"SalesMethod": "Sales Process",
"SalesStage": "Stage4",
"DescriptionText": "Awaiting closure.",
"AverageDaysAtStage": null,
"MaximumDaysInStage": null,
"QuotaFactor": 0,

You need to scroll through the list of opportunities and find the opportunity you want to use and make a note of its path parameter value. A path parameter is a unique identifier of a record. We use it to specify the record on which to perform the get, update, or delete methods. Here, the path parameter is Opportunity Number (OptyNumber). For more information about path parameters of a resource, see All REST Endpoints.

We can then see all the available records for the resource. You need to identify the record that you want to use and note its path parameter value. In our example, the path parameter is Opportunity number (OptyNumber). For more information about path parameters of a resource, see All REST Endpoints.

Get Your Record Using Finders

An easier way to find a specific record is by querying, using the finders and finder variables. Simply use one of the finders and enter the criterion in the finder variable. Here, let's use the finder MyOpportunitiesFinder, and the finder variable name, to get an opportunity with a specific name (Big Data Analytics Server).

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.

Method: GET;Name=Big Data Analytics Servers

Check out the Finders section in the Get All method documentation of each resource for more information.

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"items": [
"BudgetAvailableDate": null,
"BudgetedFlag": false,
"PrimaryOrganizationId": 204,
"ChampionFlag": false,
"CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"CreationDate": "2018-01-08T12:00:24.972+00:00",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"SalesMethodId": 300100073102472,
"SalesStageId": 300100073102473,
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"DealHorizonCode": null,
"DecisionLevelCode": null,
"Description": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-01-08T12:24:05.310+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"LastUpdateLogin": "6242B5ED93BE3EC9E0539EBDF20ABB8B",
"Name": "Big Data Analytics Servers",
"OptyId": 300100125332293,
"OptyNumber": "CDRM_93472",
"OwnerResourcePartyId": 100010025532672,
"PrimaryCompetitorId": null,
"KeyContactId": null,
"ReasonWonLostCode": null,
"RiskLevelCode": null,
"StatusCode": "OPEN",
"StrategicLevelCode": null,
"PrimaryRevenueId": 300100125332294,
"TargetPartyId": 300100125332282,
"TargetPartyName": "Vision Corporation",
"SalesMethod": "Sales Process",
"SalesStage": "Stage1",
"DescriptionText": "Stage1",
"AverageDaysAtStage": null,
"MaximumDaysInStage": null,
"QuotaFactor": 0,

For more information about finding records, see Manage Collections.

Update Your Record

Now, let's try to update the record we created earlier. We will identify the record using OptyNumber and use the PATCH method to update the record.

Example Request

Use this resource URL format.

Method: PUT

You can update a record by specifying the fields you wish to add in a request body. Here is the request body to update the sales stage of the Opportunity.

Example Request Body

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

 "SalesStage": "Stage2",
 "DescriptionText": "The Opportunity is in the discovery stage."

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"BudgetAvailableDate": null,
"BudgetedFlag": false,
"PrimaryOrganizationId": 204,
"ChampionFlag": false,
"CreatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"CreationDate": "2018-01-08T12:00:24.972+00:00",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"SalesMethodId": 300100073102472,
"SalesStageId": 300100073102473,
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"DealHorizonCode": null,
"DecisionLevelCode": null,
"Description": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-01-16T15:03:59.677+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "SALES_ADMIN",
"LastUpdateLogin": "62E62B8DB84D16B5E0539EBDF20A5B9D",
"Name": "Big Data Analytics Servers",
"OptyId": 300100125332293,
"OptyNumber": "CDRM_93472",
"OwnerResourcePartyId": 100010025532672,
"PrimaryCompetitorId": null,
"KeyContactId": null,
"ReasonWonLostCode": null,
"RiskLevelCode": null,
"StatusCode": "OPEN",
"StrategicLevelCode": null,
"PrimaryRevenueId": 300100125332294,
"TargetPartyId": 300100125332282,
"TargetPartyName": "Vision Corporation",
"SalesMethod": "Sales Process",
"SalesStage": "Stage2",
"DescriptionText": "The Opportunity is in the discovery stage.",
"AverageDaysAtStage": null,
"MaximumDaysInStage": null,
"QuotaFactor": 0,

To verify if the record is updated, simply get the record as we did in the previous sections.

Congratulations! You've successfully created, updated, and verified a record using Oracle REST APIs.