Role Assignment Errors and How To Fix Them

Automatic role assignment can result in failed assignments. When you review role assignments, errors appear in the Status column. This table provides more details about the errors and instructions to fix them.

Error Code

Error Message



The assignment end date can't be modified for this role because there are participants with paysheets beyond this date who are assigned to the payment plan.

If a payment plant was used to create a paysheet, then changes to the payment plan assignment that would impact that paysheet are prevented. The proposed role assignment changes the effective dates of a payment plan used in a paysheet for the period listed in the error.

Resolution: Confirm participant detail dates are correct. If the role proposed is the intended role assignment, there are two potential resolutions.

  • If the paysheets aren't submitted for payment and closed, then you can delete the paysheet to assign the intended role. (Changing a role assignment that results in earnings, individualized rate table rates, or goal assignments can drop that data. The earnings may need to be recalculated before adding the paysheet back to the payment batch.)

  • If the payment batch associated with the paysheet is submitted for payment, then the proposed role assignment must begin after the period referenced in the error.

Prevention: This error is often seen because a compensation plan needs to be adjusted after a payment. However, if the role that assigns the compensation plan also is used to assign the payment plan, then both will be updated with the role changes. To prevent or minimize this scenario, use roles specific to only pay groups, payment plans, or compensation plans instead of using a single role to assign all types. This way the compensation plan assignments changes can be made even if a paysheet or payment batch has been created.


The assignment end date must be later than or equal to {LAST_PAYB_PAY_DATE} because this pay group is used to create paysheets for payment batch {PYBTCH_NAME}.

If a pay group was used to create a paysheet, then changes to the pay group assignment that impact that paysheet are prevented. Deleting the proposed role assignment would delete a pay group that's associated with a paysheet for the period listed in the error.

Resolution: Confirm participant detail dates to ensure they're correct. If the role proposed is the intended role assignment, then there are two potential resolutions.

  • If the paysheets aren't submitted for payment and closed, the paysheet can be deleted in order to assign the intended role. (Changing the role assignment that results in earnings or goal assignments can cause dropping that data. The earnings may need to be recalculated before adding the paysheet back to the payment batch.

  • If the payment batch associated with the paysheet is submitted for payment, then the proposed role assignment must begin after the period referenced in the error.

Prevention: This error is often seen because a compensation plan needs to be adjusted after a payment. However, if the role that assigns the plan also is used to assign the paygroup, then both will be updated with the role changes. To prevent or minimize this scenario, a role specific to only a pay group and another that only associates to a compensation plan can be assigned. This way the compensation plan assignments can be made even if a paysheet or pay batch has been created.


The assignment start date must be earlier than or equal to {BATCH_PAY_DATE} because this pay group is used to create paysheets for payment batch {BATCH_NAME}.

Resolution: This error will be cleared next time Run Participant Assignments is run. Because this indicates a manual change, verify and confirm that the role assignment was removed correctly as intended.


The role assignment wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.

The role assignment associated with a proposed deletion was removed manually prior to accepting and submitting the proposal.

Resolution: This error will be cleared next time Run Participant Assignments is run. Because this indicates a manual change, verify and confirm that the role assignment was removed correctly as intended.


The role assignment wasn't updated because it doesn't exist.

This error will appear if a the role assignment associated with a proposed update has been removed manually prior to accepting and submitting the proposal.

Resolution: This error will be cleared next time the Run Participant Assignments job is ran. Because this indicative of a manual change, you may want to verify and confirm that the role assignment that has been removed correctly as intended.


Multiple role assignments exist with an overlapping date range for the participant.

There are multiple contiguous assignments to the same role for a participant and the proposed role overlaps these assignments. The application raises the error for review because it can't determine if the assignments should be merged or remain as is.

Resolution: If the manual role assignments are as intended, then ignore the error. To resolve the error, merge the multiple assignments. Merging role assignments for periods with earnings calculated, goals assigned, or individualized rate table rates can result in dropping this data. If a paysheet has already been generated for the effective dates being modified, then a merge isn't possible. If this is the case, then manual assignments can remain and you can ignore the error.


A role assignment exists with an overlapping date range and preserve assignment set to yes for the participant.

The Preserve choice was selected for the participant.

Resolution: First, confirm that Preserve was intentionally set. If Preserve was set to yes intentionally, no further action is required. However, if you don't want to preserve the role, Preserve should be deselected. After Preserve is deselected, the error disappears during the next execution of the assignment rules.

Note: Only remove Preserve if you don't want to preserve that role assignment for the participant.


You can't save this record because either the detail records don't cover the assignment dates or the currency for the assignment range isn't the same.

The compensation end date is set for the participant, but a participant detail isn't assigned a corresponding end date. As a result, a role proposal based on that participant detail was generated that extends beyond the compensation end date. This isn't allowed.

Resolution: Confirm that the participant has a compensation end date assigned and that it's correct. If this is correct and you wanted to end compensation for the participant on the date currently set, then assign an end date in the last participant detail that's on or before the compensation end date. If you use the Participant Detail Import file based process and see this error recurring, then do this: Ensure that when you load compensation end dates that end dates are provided for the participant detail that are on or before the compensation end dates in the same import.


You can't delete this assignment because this participant's pay group is used in a paysheet for the period {PERIOD_NAME}.

If a pay group was used to create a paysheet, then the application prevents changes to the pay group assignment that impacts that paysheet. This error occurs because deleting the proposed role assignment also deletes a pay group that's associated with a paysheet for the period listed in the error.

Resolution: Confirm participant detail dates to ensure they're correct. If the role proposed is the intended role assignment, there are two potential resolutions.

  • If the paysheets weren't submitted for payment and closed, then the paysheet can be deleted in order to assign the intended role.

    Note: Changing the role assignment that resulted in earnings or goal assignments can result in dropping that data. The earnings may need to be recalculated before adding the paysheet back to the payment batch.
  • If the payment batch associated with the paysheet was submitted for payment, then the proposed role assignment must be end dated after the period referenced in the error.

Prevention: This error is often seen because a compensation plan needs to be adjusted after a payment. However, if the role that assigns the plan also is used to assign the paygroup, then both will be updated with the role changes. To prevent or minimize this scenario, use roles that are specific to the compensation plan, pay group, or payment plan instead of using a single role to assign all types. This way the compensation plan assignments changes can be made even if a paysheet or pay batch has been created.


The role member assignment dates must fall within the participant start and end dates or compensation end date, whichever is greater.

The compensation end date is set for the participant, but a participant detail isn't assigned a corresponding end date. As a result, a role proposal based on that participant detail is generated that extends beyond the compensation end date. This isn't allowed.

Resolution: Confirm that the participant has a compensation end date assigned and that it's correct. If this is correct and you wanted to end compensation for the participant on the date currently set, then assign an end date in the last participant detail that's on or before the compensation end date. If you use the Participant Detail Import file based process and see this error recurring, then do this: Ensure that when you load compensation end dates that end dates are provided for the participant detail that are on or before the compensation end dates in the same import.