About Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Sales managers are always looking to boost sales by measuring performance and motivating their teams. The Digital Sales performance feature makes it possible for them to do both by setting up goals and contests.

Oracle provides a number of predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) that sales managers can use for creating goals and contests, but you can create your own by following the procedures described in this chapter. Here's a list of the KPIs provided by Oracle.

KPI Name

This KPI measures the...

Appointments Completed

Number of appointments completed.

Appointments Scheduled

Number of appointments scheduled.

Call Activities Completed

Number of call activities completed.

Calls Made

Number of calls completed.

Demos Completed

Number of demo activities completed.

Email Activities Completed

Number of email activities completed.

Emails Sent

Number of emails sent.

Leads Converted

Number of leads converted.

Opportunities Created

Number of opportunities created.

Opportunities Won

Number of opportunities won.


Sum of the revenue for won opportunities.

Tasks Completed

Number of tasks completed.

View Details of Predefined KPIs

You can drill down to view basic, calculation, and statistical details as well as the filter conditions defined for each of the predefined KPIs. For example, follow these steps to see what is configured for the Opportunities Won KPI.

  1. Navigate to Digital Sales > Sales Performance.

  2. From the Sales Performance dashboard, click the Actions menu (3 vertical dots icon) located near the top right area of the dashboard.

  3. Select Manage KPI.

  4. From the Sales Performance KPI page, click Opportunities Won to view the details as outlined in this table.

    Basic Details

    Calculation Details


    Statistic Details

    Name: Opportunities Won

    Status: Active

    Description: Measures the number of opportunities won.

    KPI Object: Opportunity

    Calculation Type: Count

    Credit Recipient: Owner

    Credit Date: Close Date

    Filter Condition: StatusCode = 'WON'

    Breakup Category: Sales Channel