Add a Custom Saved Search to the Sales Dashboard

Here's how to display a custom saved search on the Sales Dashboard for sales managers either as a table or a list.

Note: This example explains how to add a custom saved search or smart list to the dashboard layout as a table. To display a list, the instructions are the same except for some minor differences, which are noted in step 13.


  1. Create the custom saved search and share it with the job roles who view the dashboard. Create Saved Searches for the Sales Organization.

  2. Display the saved search and copy its UUID. The UUID is displayed in the saved search page's URL.

    This is a screenshot of how to retrieve the UUID for a saved search.

    You will use the UUID when adding the table to the Sales Dashboard in Visual Builder Studio.

Display the Custom Saved Search as a Table in the Sales Dashboard

  1. Let's configure a dashboard layout for a manager.

    On the Properties pane for the Manager (Copy) layout, review the layout's condition to ensure that the correct role is specified for this layout.

  2. Click the + Add Section icon > + New Section.

  3. In the Create Section dialog, enter a title, My Open Leads < 10K, and click OK.

    Note: The title is the name of the template, not how the template will appear at runtime on the dashboard. The runtime title comes from the saved search.

    The newly added section is added to the bottom of the layout. Use the Move Up arrow to move the new section to the desired location.

  4. Click the My Open Leads < 10K link.

    The template editor opens.

  5. Click the Code button.

    This is a screenshot of the Code button.

    Your new My Open Leads < 10K section displays with empty placeholder template tags.

    This is a screenshot of your new section.
  6. For a table, enter this code between the existing placeholder template tags.


    Here's a screenshot of the new code for a table:

    This is a screenshot of the template code for a table.
  7. Click the Design button.

    This is a screenshot of the Design button.
  8. On the Structure pane, click Sales Hub Tile Container.

    This is a screenshot of the Structure tab.
  9. On the Properties pane, on the All tab, select 6x2 as the size.

    This is a screenshot of setting the table size.

    If data in the table is too wide for the size you select, then scroll bars automatically display.

  10. Still on the Structure pane, click Sales Hub Mini-List Component.

  11. On the Properties pane, on the All tab, click the Show sub-properties icon next to the Display Options field.

  12. In the Display Option field, select TABLE.

  13. In the Maximum rows to display field, enter 3.

    The table displays a maximum of 3 rows. If more data exists, then a View All link displays.

    This is a screenshot of adding a table.
    Note: To add a list instead of a table, change the value of the Display Option field to LIST. Lists and tables use the same underlying component, Sales Hub Mini-List Component, and are both populated by saved searches.

    For example, here's a screenshot of creating a template for a list instead of a table:

    This is a screenshot of adding a list.

    In addition to adding lists, you can also add a My List component to the Sales Dashboard. For more information about My List, see "My List" in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Automation Using Digital Sales (Next Gen Sales) guide. To add a My List component, set the Display Option field to LIST, click < Display Options, and set the Show My List field to true.

  14. Let's continue with the table example. Click < Display Options.

  15. In the Type of objects field, select Lead.

    Note: A set of attributes is already predefined, per object, to display in the table. You can further modify which attributes display, if required. See "Modify the Columns in a Table Template" in the next section of this topic.
  16. In the Identifier for Saved Search field, enter the UUID of the saved search.

    The UUID refers to the unique identifier of the saved search. The UUID is displayed in the saved search page's URL.

  17. Click the Preview button to see your changes in your runtime test environment.

    This is a screenshot of the Preview button in Visual Builder Studio.

    For example:

    This is a screenshot of the Sales Dashboard with the new table template.

Modify the Columns in a Table Template

When you add a table to a dashboard, you specify the object that the table pulls its data from. For each object that you can select, Visual Builder Studio knows which attributes to display in the table since default attributes are already predefined. However, you can further modify which attributes display in the table, if desired. You can control three things: which fields to display as columns in the table, the width of those columns, and the column titles. Let's do that now.

  1. In the Manager (Copy) layout, click the My Open Leads < 10K template.

  2. On the Structure pane, click Sales Hub Mini-List Component.

  3. On the Properties pane, on the All tab, copy and paste the attributes you prefer to display in the Name of dynamic form layout field.

    Specify your preferred set of attributes using the field names from the object's elastic search payload, arranged in the below format. To override an attribute's display label, enter a headerText value. For example:

    [[ [
    {mappedField: 'Name', width: 200, template: 'objectDetailLinkCellTemplate'},
    {headerText: 'Customer', mappedField: 'CustomerAccount.PartyName', width: 200},
    {mappedField: 'DealAmount', width: 100},
    {mappedField: 'Owner.PartyName', width: 100}
    ] ]]

    Here's a screenshot of the Name of dynamic form layout field:

    This is a screenshot of the layout-config field.
  4. Click the Preview button to see your changes in your runtime test environment.

    This is a screenshot of the Preview button in Visual Builder Studio.

    Notice the change in the table display:

    This is a screenshot of the table which now displays a different set of columns.