Metric Cards and Badges

You can display a saved search on the Sales Dashboard as a metric card, one of the tiles at the top of the page. Metric cards are useful because they display an aggregate sum of items returned by the saved search. For example, how many overdue tasks do you have? Or, how many open leads exist that are over $100,000? Metric cards can display badges that visually alert salespeople when data meets certain conditions, which you can set. For example, the Critical badge appears automatically when there are 10 or more overdue tasks.

Here's a screenshot of a metric card and its components:

Screenshot of a metric card and its components

Anatomy of a Metric Card

Callout Description






The aggregate sum

The sum is derived from the saved search that the metric card is based on.



All metric cards provided by Oracle include a title and display the aggregate sum. Some metric cards provided by Oracle, such as the one for My Overdue Tasks, display badges. None of the metric cards include a description, but you can add one.

What You Can Configure

You can configure the following metric card components using Oracle Visual Builder Studio:

  • Type of badge, and the conditions when the badge should appear

    For example, display a warning badge if the aggregate sum on the metric card is between 5 and 10 records. But if the aggregate sum is under 5, then don't display a badge at all.

  • Badge text

    You can pick any text you'd like to display inside the badge.

  • Metric card description

For more information, see "Configure Metric Card Badges and Descriptions."

Example of Badge Conditions

For example, the My Overdue Tasks metric card displays a badge above the card title under certain conditions. This metric card has two conditions and displays a different badge depending on the number of overdue tasks.

My Overdue Tasks Metric Card Badges

Condition: Number of Overdue Tasks Badge Text

>= 5 and <=10




If there are fewer than 5 overdue tasks, then no badge displays on the metric card.