Enable Searching for Accounts and Contacts Using Rollups

Enable rollups for Adaptive Search to let your salespeople search accounts and contacts using rollups in Digital Sales.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Configure Adaptive Search task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search
  2. On the Configure Adaptive Search page, click Setup in the left navigation pane and click the Advanced tab.
  3. Under Advanced, expand Account > Account Rollup, and select Account Rollup.

    You can see all the account and hierarchy rollups.

    • Select the Enable check box for the account and hierarchy rollups you want to use as the search criteria and save.
  4. To enable the contact rollups, expand Contact > Contact Rollup and select Contact Rollup.
    • Select the Enable check box for the contact rollups you want to use as the search criteria and save.
  5. Click Actions and select Partial Publish.
    1. On the Partial Publish window, select Account and Contact.
    2. Click Proceed with Partial Publish.

      On the Partial Publish window, the Account and Contact objects are shown as selected under the Existing objects to republish header.

    3. Click Publish.

      The publishing process begins. To monitor the progress, go to Monitor > Publish.

  6. Next, go to Configure UI.
  7. On the Configure UI page, select Display in UI for the rollups you just enabled and save your changes.
  8. Next, publish the objects again.
    1. Click Actions and select Partial Publish.
    2. On the Partial Publish window, select Account and Contact.
    3. Click Proceed with Partial Publish.

      On the Partial Publish window, the Account and Contact objects are shown as selected under the Existing objects to republish header.

    4. Click Publish.

      The publishing process begins. To monitor the progress, go to Monitor > Publish.

    Your sales team can use the rollups you enabled as search criteria in accounts and contacts.

Scenarios When Enabling Rollups for Adaptive Search

You may need to consider the scenarios shown in the table and then take required action before and after enabling your rollups for Adaptive Search.

Scenario# Scenario Required Action
1 You want to publish a rollup that uses existing attributes.
  1. If it’s a custom rollup, create the rollup. If it’s a predefined rollup, review the settings before publishing.
  2. Publish the rollup.
  3. Run a full refresh on your published rollup.
  4. Enable the rollup attribute for Adaptive Search.
  5. Select the object and publish it.
2 You want to create a new rollup that uses custom attributes.
  1. Add the custom attribute to Application Composer and publish the sandbox.
  2. Create the rollup and publish it.
  3. Run a full refresh on your published rollup.
  4. Enable the rollup attribute for Adaptive Search.
  5. Select the object and publish it.
  • You have rollups of type, Aging, that are already published.
  • You have done a mass recalculation on all the published rollups.
  1. Skip the rollups publish and enable the rollup attribute for Adaptive Search directly.
  2. Select the object and publish it.