How Setup Assistant Gets You Ready to Create Sales Users

Here's how Setup Assistant helps you get ready to create sales users and the setups you may need to complete manually.

Important: If you're implementing sales on top of an existing HCM application, salespeople are already created as employees and users. In this case, you must manually convert the employee into a resource and provision them with the job roles they need. Make an Employee a Sales Resource

What Setup Assistant Does for You

What You May Need to Do Manually

Creates additional resource roles. All you do is enter their names.

After you run Setup Assistant, you can create additional resource roles manually in Setup and Maintenance, using the Manage Resource Roles task:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Users and Security

  • Task: Manage Resource Roles

Creates the role-provisioning rules for the standard resource roles provided by Oracle and for the additional resource roles that you created in Setup Assistant.

You can also create additional provisioning rules for any resource roles you create outside Setup Assistant in Setup and Maintenance, using the task Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Users and Security

  • Task: Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules

Sets the resource organization that you entered for the CEO as the top of the resource organization hierarchy.

Setup Assistant eliminates two manual steps: creating the resource organization and then using the Manage Resource Organization Hierarchies task to specify that resource organization as the top of the Internal Resource Organization Hierarchy.

If you need to change the name of the resource organization after you run Setup Assistant, you can edit it in Setup and Maintenance, using the Manage Internal Resource Organizations task:

  • Offering: Sales

  • Functional Area: Users and Security

  • Task: Manage Internal Resource Organizations

Prevents you from accidentally entering duplicate email addresses for users by setting the system profile Enable Validation of User Work Email.
