How You Get to Setup Tasks Not Covered by Setup Assistant

There are two ways to get to setup tasks not covered by Setup Assistant:

  • Open tasks from the Sales offering Setup page in the Setup and Maintenance work area

  • Use the Navigator

Get to Your Tasks Using the Setup Page

After you enable the offering, you can open setup tasks, including those not covered in this guide, from the Setup and Maintenance work area Setup page. Here is how:

  1. In the Navigator, click My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance

    You can also click Setup and Maintenance icon on your desktop. It's available in the My Enterprise tab.

  2. If you enabled more than one offering, you may have to select Sales from the Setup list. The Setup page displays offerings in alphabetic order.

  3. In the Functional Areas column, select the functional area you want to set up.

    Here's a rundown of the features on the Setup: Sales page.

    Callout Number



    Select a functional area to set up in the left pane.


    The application lists the required tasks for that functional area in the right pane.


    You may need to show All Tasks to see the task you want.


    You can search for tasks in the offering using the Search Tasks field.


    Quick Setup (gear icons) in the Functional Areas column open pages that you can use for basic setup. In Sales, Setup Assistant takes care of these for you.


    Clicking the Shared link lists other offerings using the same functional area.


    If you can't find the task you are looking for in the Sales offering, you can search for tasks across offerings using the Tasks side panel.

    Sales page with callouts highlighting features described in the text
  4. You can open tasks by clicking on their names in the Task list. By default, you see only the required tasks, but you can select All Tasks from the Show menu to see them all.

  5. You can also search for tasks in the offering by name using Search Tasks. Use the percent sign (%) to represent missing letters or words. For example, to find the Manage HCM Role Provisioning Rules task, you can search for manage hcm%rules. The searches aren't case-sensitive.

  6. Some functional areas include a Quick Setup page (gears icon) that you can use to set up the minimum requirements for the functional area. These Quick Setup pages, including those for Company Profile, Sales Foundation, and Opportunities, and Forecasting, cover the same ground as Setup Assistant, so you won't need them.

Navigating to Other Work Areas for Setup

To open some setup tasks and for testing your setup, you must use the Navigator. The Navigator, which you open by clicking its icon at the top of the page, lists what's available to you based on your security permissions. Because a setup user has a broad range of permissions, the selections you see aren't limited to the features you purchased. Aside from the Setup and Maintenance work area, you use only a small number of the features listed. Here are the most important:

  • My Team

    • Users and Roles

      Use this work area to create and edit records for individual users. The Manage Users task in Setup and Maintenance opens the same work area.

  • Tools

    • Scheduled Processes

      Use this work area for scheduling and monitoring background processes.

  • Configuration

    • Appearance

      Lets you control application appearance, including background color and icon shape.

    • Structure

      Lets you control which items appear in the Navigator and on the Welcome page.

    • Application Composer

      Use Application Composer to expose fields on page layouts, to create custom fields, and otherwise configure your application.

  • Sales

    Use the different work areas under this heading for functional setup and to create data used to test your sales application.

  • Digital Sales

    Setup for some Digital Sales-specific features such as Key Performance Indicators (Sales Performance) area available under this heading.

The Navigator arranges the items in folders. You can open all the folders and display all the items, by clicking Show More.