Import Additional Addresses

Here's how to import additional addresses for accounts and for contacts using the address macro. You must expose the multiple addresses section in the UI to view them.

  1. Open the Address Import Macro.

  2. If you receive a security warning that macros have been disabled, you must enable macros.

  3. Review the attributes available for import on the Address worksheet. If you need to import additional address attributes, then do the following:

    1. Click the Attributes Mapping worksheet.

    2. Click Fetch Attributes from Server.

    3. In an empty row in the worksheet, select the attribute from the Attribute Name column.

    4. Enter the name you want displayed as the column heading in the Address worksheet. This name displays only in the macro.

    5. Click Update Headers to add the column to the Address worksheet..

  4. Enter the address data on the Address worksheet.

    Here's a description of the available columns.


    What to Enter

    Address Number

    A unique identifier for the address. If you leave this column blank, then the macro generates the number for you.

    Address 1

    Enter the street address for the primary account address.

    Address 2

    Enter additional address information, such as the suite number.




    For the US, enter one of the two-letter state codes.

    Postal Code

    Postal code.

    Country Code

    The two-letter ISO code for a country. For example, enter US for the United States, and IN for India. Entry is required.

    Address Type

    Address types indicate how an address is used. For example, a customer gets billed at the bill-to address and receives the goods at the ship-to address. Address types are displayed only if you enable the display of multiple addresses for accounts.

    You can import any of the address type codes entered in the lookup type Party Site Use Code (PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE) with the tag SALES_CLOUD. By default, these are the codes available for import:

    • BILL_TO

    • SELL_TO

    • SHIP_TO

    The sales application by itself doesn't use the address type to drive any logic, but different applications you integrate may. By default, every account address you create in the application is set to the sell-to address.

    Associated Party Number

    Copy the account or contact number from the appropriate macro to link the address.

  5. Import the additional addresses. The process is the same for all the macros:

    1. Click Create Import Activity and sign in.

    2. If you get errors, correct them and import again.

    3. If your import activity was submitted successfully, then click Activity Details.

      The Activity Details window lists the import activity name, ID, and its status.

      • If the import activity is still in progress, you can refresh the status periodically by clicking Refresh.

      • A status of "Completed" means your import completed successfully.