Overview of Sales Assistant Setup

Because Oracle Sales Assistant setup is different for each of the channels it's running in, this chapter is divided into different sections for each channel.


Setup Task



Where to get more details


You must have completed the prerequisite Oracle Digital Assistant application setup.

Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS)
Before you set up any of the features that use natural-language processing, you must perform some prerequisite setup of Oracle Digital Assistant:
  • Set up administrator users
  • Obtain the ODA URL
  • Install (pull) the FADigitalAssistant.
  • Enable the Digital Assistant used for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications
If you already completed the setup for another feature, you can skip this step.

See the topic: Overview of Common ODA Setup for Sales.

For additional information, see the Oracle Digital Assistant documentation: Getting Started with Oracle Digital Assistant for Cloud Applications.

2 Check Adaptive Search setup. CX Sales You must check that Adaptive Search is set up and the correct fields are enabled for Opportunity and Activity objects.
  • Opportunity: Status, Sales Method

  • Activity: Type, Activity, Start Date, End Date, Status, Due Date

Prerequisite Adaptive Search Setup in Sales


Configure the integration with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams Developer Portal and Oracle Digital Assistant

For Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams, involves creating an app in the Microsoft Teams Development Portal and a Microsoft Teams channel in Oracle Digital Assistant.

See Set Up Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams for more information.


Configure the integration with CX Sales Mobile

Oracle Digital Assistant and Application Composer

For Oracle Sales Assistant for CX Sales Mobile, you configure an Oracle Web Channel and hook it up to CX Sales Mobile using Application Composer.

See Enable Sales Assistant for CX Sales Mobile for more information.


Use the Common Configuration Tool to Update Synonyms

Application Composer

The Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configurations administrator tool provides an easy way for you to manage synonyms for all supported channels without having to manually manage them in Oracle Digital Assistant.

See the topic Use the Common Configuration Tool to Update Synonyms of the Common Configurations section for more information about adding synonyms to fields and objects (if required).

6 Periodically update the FADigitalAssistant skill Oracle Digital Assistant The CX Sales skill is updated every release and three times within each release. You should periodically update to the latest version.

See the topic: Refresh the Digital Assistants