Overview of Saved Search Setup

Here's an overview of how you can create saved searches for different roles in your organization in both Digital Sales and CX Sales.


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1 Both Digital Sales and CX Sales If you haven't already, review the list of fields available in Adaptive Search and make changes before you create saved searches. N/A Adaptive Search Configuration Provided by Oracle


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Create saved searches for different job roles in the sales organization. You accomplish this in either the Digital Sales UI or the CX Sales UI.

On any list page

For Digital Sales, see the topic Create Saved Searches for the Sales Organization

For CX Sales, see: Specify the List of Saved Searches for Different Job Roles


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Share the saved searches with the appropriate job roles in the organization.

You accomplish this in either the Digital Sales UI or the CX Sales UI.

Click in the search field in the list page and select Manage Saved Searches.

For Digital Sales, see the topic How do I share a saved search with everyone or with specific job roles?

For CX Sales, see: Specify the List of Saved Searches for Different Job Roles


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales Specify which saved search appears by default when a user opens each work area.

Click in the search field in the list page and select Manage Saved Searches.

For Digital Sales, see the topic: Specify Which Saved Search Appears for Users by Default.

For CX Sales, see: Specify the List of Saved Searches for Different Job Roles

5 Digital Sales If the saved search is for a lead or contact, you can specify if you want users to see the first item in the list instead of the list itself.

Click in the search field in the list page and select Manage Saved Searches.

See the topic Display the First Record in Leads and Contact Lists.
6 Digital Sales You can create a visualization (a chart) of the data in a saved search. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer. See the topic Create a Visualization of a Saved Search or an Analysis.
7 Digital Sales You can add shared saved searches and any visualizations you create for them to the Sales Dashboard.

You can display a saved search in the Sales Dashboard as a Metric Card (one of the tiles across the top), as a list, or as a table.

VB Studio See the topic: Create a Visualization of a Saved Search or an Analysis
8 CX Sales For each job role, you can specify which business object and saved search they see when they open Workspace or a work area for an object. Manage Saved Searches page in Workspace.

See the topic: Specify the List of Saved Searches for Different Job Roles