Overview of the Manage Saved Searches Page

Use the Manage Saved Searches page to manage your own list of saved searches, manage the lists sales users see, and to specify the default saved search different roles see when they open Workspace.

My List

On the My List tab, you can manage your own personal lists of saved searches (there's a separate list for each business object).

  • You can specify which saved search displays when you navigate to Workspace by making a selection from My Default Saved Search (callout 1 in the screenshot).

  • To view the saved searches for a specific business object, just make a selection from Manage List (Callout 2 in the screenshot).

  • You can hide individual saved searches by deselecting Show in List.

  • You can delete only saved searches that you created.

    While you can't delete saved searches provided by Oracle, you can hide them.

Screenshot of the My List tab on the Manage Saved Searches window

Workspace List

On the Workspace List tab, you can share saved searches with everyone, with specific user roles, or with no one.

For each business object that you select from Manage List (callout 1 in the following screenshot), you can:

  • Specify who can view each saved search by specifying a value in the Shared With column (callout 2 in the screenshot).

    • For saved searches provided by Oracle, you can either share the saved search with everyone or not share it at all, effectively hiding it from use.

    • For saved searches created by you or other administrators, you can select one of the following:

      • Only Me

        Makes the saved search a personal saved search that you can manage on the My List tab.

      • Everyone

        Makes the search available to all roles.

      • Specific Roles

        Makes it possible for you to specify one or more specific job roles that can see the saved search.

      • Not Shared

        Removes the search from use.

  • You can delete only saved searches that you created (callout 3 in the screenshot).

    While you can't delete saved searches provided by Oracle, you can remove it from use by selecting the Not Shared value in the Shared With column.

Screenshot of the Workspace List tab

Defaults by Role

Use the Defaults by Role tab to define the default saved search for each job role. This is the saved search that users with the job role see when they open Workspace.

Screenshot of the Defaults by Role tab