Setup Overview

Review the settings for user name format and password strength and set up notifications before you create users. By default, the application uses the email address to create user names and requires passwords with eight letters and one number.

You may want shorter user names and stronger passwords. You must also create your own versions of the notifications users receive regarding their accounts. Oracle provides sample notifications, but they include Oracle-specific language and may not include all of the information users need.

The Security Console that you use for all these tasks includes many advanced features. Some don't even apply to your sales application. So, limit your use of the Security Console to the scope listed here.

Here's a list of the setup tasks covered in this chapter. You can open the tasks from the Setup and Maintenance work area, Sales offering, and Users and Security functional area. Remember that you may have to show All Tasks to see the task that you want.


Applies To



Where to Get More Details


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Initialize the Security Console.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Users and Security > Import Users and Roles into Application Security

See the topic: Initialize the Security Console


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Set up preferences for user name format, passwords, and create your own versions of the notifications that users receive about their accounts and passwords.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Users and Security > Manage Applications Security Preferences, then select the User Categories tab.

To understand the notification process for new accounts and recommendations on the kinds of notification changes you may want to make, see the topic: Automatic New Account Notifications and What to Change

For setup instructions, including a list of tokens you can use in your notifications, see the topic: Set Up Preferences for User Names, Passwords, and Notifications