Register LinkedIn with the Sales Application

You need to register LinkedIn with the sales application:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Setup LinkedIn Integration task:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Integrations
    • Task: Setup LinkedIn Integration

    The Create LinkedIn Application page appears that shows Unique ID, Name, OAuth Redirect URL, and Whitelisted Domains prefilled with details.

    Unique ID Unique ID that represents the customer identifier
    Name Display name of the child application
    OAuth Redirect URL Contains the URL of your pod information
    Whitelisted Domains Domains approved for authorized access to data
  2. Click Create.

    The LinkedIn Application page shows two additional fields: Application ID and Application Key.

    Application ID Client ID value, used during OAuth 2.0 token request flow.
    Application Key Client Secret value, used during OAuth 2.0 token request flow.