Quote Lines You Can Access

The Quote Lines work area gives you a view of the products associated with quotes created in the last 30 days. A quote line is made up of the products in a quote, the opportunity details, the sales order, and all the other relevant information.

The Quote Lines landing page shows the list of quote lines associated with the active quotes you own. You can switch your view to other saved searches for Quote Lines. Here's a table listing out the saved searches:

Saved Search Quotes You Get
My Opportunities Active Quote Lines Shows the active quote lines from the quotes created in the last 30 days from the opportunities you own.
All Active Quote Lines Shows the active quote lines from the quotes created in the last 30 days from all the opportunities.
All Quote Lines Shows the quote lines from all the quotes created in the last 30 days that you have access to.

You can create your own saved searches as well. See Saved Searches in the The Basics chapter to learn more.

The Quote Lines List and High-Level Details

The quote lines list shows you the product name, the link to the opportunity, the link to the quote, the quote status, the product request date, and the contract value of the product.

From the list view you can navigate to:

  • The opportunity related to the quote
  • The quote details in Oracle CPQ, the quoting application

The Opportunity Details

Click the opportunity name to go to the Opportunity foldout view.

See the Quotes in the Opportunity work area section to learn more about all the actions you can do from the Opportunity work area.

The Quote Details in Oracle CPQ

Click a quote in the list to see the details in Oracle CPQ. In the quote details page:

  • Review the transaction details.
  • Specify pricing.
  • Streamline the approvals.
  • Generate a proposal.