CRM/Help Desk - Service Request SmartText Usages Real Time


A SmartText entry is a reusable fragment of text that lets you create a text and reuse the text in service requests and messages. The texts can be admin-defined or user-defined. Admins create most relevant SmartTexts that help users achieve higher efficiency while updating SRs or composing messages.

Analyses built using this subject area help Admins understand usage of specific SmartText fragments to either promote or demote them on the UI. It also provides metrics related to private and public SmartTexts that help Admins make popular private ones as public to benefit the larger user base. The scope of this subject area is limited to:

a. SmartText usage and not their creation

b. SmartText usage in SRs and Help Desk Requests and not Chats

c. SmartText usage on Redwood UI only

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Navigator > Service > Service Center > Service Request > Compose Message > Type '#'

Time Reporting

This subject area reports historical data.

Time dimension is linked to Date when SmartText was associated to Request: CRM/Help Desk - Service Request SmartText Usages Real Time.Time.Date.

Transactional Grain

SmartText and Service Request/Help Desk Request

Special Considerations

Run the following scheduled processes as needed for initial data load and subsequent refreshes: 1. Refresh Service Categories for Reporting 2. Reporting Hierarchy Generation