How You Amend and Revert a Contract

Update an active contract by selecting the Amend action. When you amend a contract, you change it. This can include the terms and conditions of a contract. Cancel the changes and return to the original active contract by selecting the Revert action.

Amend a Contract

If you amend a contract, its status, as well as the status of its contract lines, changes to Under Amendment. For a procurement contract that's under amendment, you can change all contract details except fulfillment. However, you can process fulfillment lines on the latest active version of the contract under amendment. You can also amend a contract when its status is On Hold or Expired. Amendments are effective after the amended contract is approved or rejected.

If the amendments are approved, the contract status changes as follows:

  • If the contract was active before amendment, its status returns to Active.

  • If the contract was On Hold, its status returns to On Hold.

Note: When you amend a contract, the amendment effective date needs to be the same or earlier than the submission date.

You can print a summary of the amendments made with or without the amended terms and conditions of the contract, if you selected the appropriate terms layout template for the contract type. For example, for contract types with extensive terms and conditions, such as public sector contracts, recipients of the contract may prefer to see just a summary of changes, annotated with sections added and deleted, clauses added, deleted, and updated, and amendment description instead of the full terms and conditions.

Note: You can create a new version of a contract that's under amendment.

You can edit some information in an active contract without amending it. This includes the contract description, name, and party information. For customer contracts related to projects, you can place a hold on the billing and revenue plans.

View Amendment Summary

When a contract is in the amendment process, you can view a summary of the amendments made to the contract by selecting View Amendment Summary from the Terms Actions list on the Contract Terms panel. This summary provides visibility to updates to sections, clauses, variables, contract documents, and deliverables made during the current revision process.

Revert a Contract

When you revert a contract, changes made in the latest amendment and changes made through Create New Version are canceled. The contract returns to its state prior to the amendment.

You can revert contract changes only when it's Under Amendment. You can't revert after the contract is approved.

Note: Reverting doesn't affect the contract information that you edit without amending the contract.