Configure the Subview Layout

An object's detail page includes a region of panels with information. Each panel, however, can display only a few records due to panel size. To see all records, users can navigate to a second page called a subview. This topic illustrates how to modify those subview pages using Oracle Visual Builder Studio.

What's Inside the Subview?

A subview contains a list of all records that the panel, due to limited real estate, can't display.

For example, here's an example of an account detail page with 5 panels:

This screenshot illustrates the account detail page.

Notice how each panel displays only a few records.

To see all records, users can click the View All link that displays at the bottom of the panel.

Here's an example of some View All links. Note that after the link itself, a number indicates the number of total records listed on the subview.

This screenshot illustrates the View All links on each panel.

The subview displays all those records in a table.

This screenshot illustrates a subview table.

What Can You Change in a Subview Table?

In Visual Builder Studio, you can modify the information that displays in a subview table.

You can:

  • Add and remove columns

  • Change the display order of columns in the table

This topic illustrates how to change the display order of columns in a subview table. We'll look at the Opportunities subview that's available from an account detail page.

Change the Display Order of Opportunity Subview Columns

Let's change the display order of columns in a subview table. In this example, we'll switch the order of the sales stage and win probability columns on the Opportunities subview, accessed from the Opportunities panel on the Account detail page.

This is a screenshot of the Opportunities subview, accessed from the Opportunities panel on the Account detail page.
  1. In Visual Builder Studio, navigate to the Layouts tab and expand the CX Sales node > Opportunities.

    The Opportunities node contains the rule sets for the Opportunities panel on the Account object.

    This is a screenshot of the Opportunities node on the Layouts tab in Visual Builder Studio.

  2. On the Opportunities tab > Rule Sets subtab, click the Sub View Layout.

    This is a screenshot of the Sub View Layout rule set on the Opportunities layout tab.

    Both a default layout as well as a default rule are displayed for the Sub View Layout.

    This screenshot illustrates the default layout and default rule for the Sub View Layout.

  3. Click the Duplicate Rule icon.

    This is a screenshot of how to duplicate the default rule.

  4. In the Duplicate Rule dialog, accept the default rule name or enter a new name. The name you enter here is both the rule name and also the layout name, so enter a layout name that makes sense for you.

    Also, make sure that the Also create a copy of the layout check box is selected.

    This screenshot illustrates how to duplicate a rule.

  5. Click Duplicate.

    The new rule displays at the top of the list of existing rules, which means that this rule will be evaluated first at runtime. If the rule's conditions are met, then the associated layout is displayed to the user.

    In this example, we're not adding any conditions which means that the associated layout will always be displayed.

  6. Modify the rule's copied layout.

    1. Click the Open icon to edit the copied layout.

      This screenshot illustrates how to edit the layout associated with a rule.

    2. In the list of fields in the layout, use the handle next to the win probability field to move it above the sales stage field.

      This screenshot illustrates how to change the order of columns on the subview layout.

      Here's a screenshot of the final location of the win probability field.

      This screenshot illustrates the final location of the win probability field.

  7. Click the Preview button to see your changes in your runtime test environment.

    This is a screenshot of the Preview button in Visual Builder Studio.

    The preview link must include the application/container segments in the URL. If not, then change the preview link using the following example URL:


    This screenshot illustrates the new display order of the win probability and sales stage columns on the Opportunity subview.