Create a Translation Bundle

Create a translation bundle where you can later store custom application strings for translation. If you plan to follow the examples in this chapter, then create the translation bundle and string as indicated below.

  1. In Oracle Visual Builder Studio, click the Translation Bundles side tab > + Translation Bundle.

    This screenshot illustrates how to create a translation bundle.

  2. In the Create Bundle dialog, in the Bundle Name field, enter the name of your translation bundle.

    For example, enter CustomBundle.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Add any required strings to the translation bundle. For example, in the examples in this chapter, you'll use a Contacts string.

    1. On the CustomBundle tab, click + String.

    2. In the Key field, enter Contacts.

    3. In the String field, enter Contacts.

    4. Click Create.

  5. Also add a string for Contact Name.

    1. On the CustomBundle tab, click + String.

    2. In the Key field, enter ContactName.

    3. In the String field, enter Contact Name.

    4. Click Create.