Configure the Global Search Page Layout

Salespeople can use Global Search directly from any page in the app to locate any type of record quickly and easily. You can configure which fields appear in the global search results page, so that your salespeople view the most important information for their specific business needs.

See the Overview of Configuring the Add-In topic for instructions about how to create a new page layout.

Note these points about the Global Search layout:

  • You can change the fields, add up to six fields, and remove fields using the steps in the Overview of Configuring the Add-In topic.
  • You can't assign criteria, such as user roles or geographical regions, for Global Search page layouts.

After making updates to your page layout, make sure that you click Save in the configuration tool page, and test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Oracle Sales for Outlook Configurations topic for details about how to check your Oracle Sales for Outlook configurations.