How do I refresh BI reports audit data for user adoption reporting?

Use the Refresh BI Reports Audit Data for User Adoption Reporting scheduled process to refresh the BI report audit tables for user adoption reporting.

This scheduled process interacts with the database to deliver and refresh data that you see in the BI reports for user adoption and usage tracking for the application.

When to Use

This scheduled process:
  • This scheduled process is used for supporting Reporting on User Adoption.
  • There are no jobs that must be run before this job is executed.
  • This scheduled process is used for collection and aggregating data needed for reporting on user Adoption.
  • BI reports based on user adoption don't reflect the correct data, if this job isn't run.
  • The User Session Activity Tracked profile option (FND_TRACK_USER_ACTIVITY) must be enabled for this scheduled process.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges or roles:
  • Privileges
  • Roles
    • Sales Administrator
    • Sales VP
    • Sales Manager

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:
  • Recommended Frequency:
    • It is recommended that you run this process once a day at the end of business.
  • Execution Time:
    • It takes around 2 to 5 minutes to complete processing one batch of records.
    • This scheduled process completes running few hundreds of records within a minute.
  • Compatibility:
    • There are no compatibility issues with other scheduled processes and itself.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Full Refresh


Specify Yes (Y) if you want to purge all the data.

Y or N


It is recommended that you run this scheduled process with Full Load ="N" to incrementally capture the audit

data. This scheduled process performs better when run as an incremental Load.

Purge After (Months)

Mandatory Specify the number of the months after which the audit data is purged. Specify a number. This parameter determines the retention period of the audit data. For example, you specify "13" as the value of this parameter, audit data older than 13 months is purged. Audit data up to 13 months is maintained.


Troubleshooting Information

  • If you configure this scheduled process to notify you in case of failures, you will receive reports of failures.
  • This job can be restarted, if it doesn't run successfully.
  • The job can be restarted in case of failures. No clean up activity is needed.
  • The latest user adoption data is reflected in BI reports, if the job runs successfully.