Add Leads and Contacts to Marketing Campaigns

You can include contacts and leads created from your sales application as campaign members to your marketing campaigns created and updated in Oracle Eloqua. After the added campaign members are synchronized to Oracle Eloqua, they get added to the specified marketing campaigns.

Add contacts or leads as campaign members to marketing campaigns from these locations within your sales application:

  • Campaigns subtab on the Edit Lead page

  • Campaigns subtab on the Edit Contact page

  • Campaign Members subtab on the View Campaign page

Note: These subtabs are hidden by default but your administrator can make them available to you through Application Composer. See the related topics for more information.

Add a Lead or a Contact to Campaigns

From the Campaigns subtab in your Edit Lead and Edit Contact pages, you can add a lead or contact that you want to an existing marketing campaign as campaign members. Once you click Add to Campaign you select the specific campaigns to where your leads or contacts are added.

Here's an example of how to add a lead to a marketing campaign from the Edit Lead UI:

  1. Sign in as a sales representative or a sales manager.

  2. Navigate to Sales > Leads to go to the Leads work area.

  3. Select a lead that you want to add as a campaign member to a marketing campaign.

  4. From the Edit Lead page, click the Campaigns subtab.

  5. Click Add to Campaign to go to the Add: Campaigns screen.

  6. Search for and select the existing marketing campaigns that you want.

  7. Click Apply and then click OK.

The selected lead is now included as a campaign member in your selected marketing campaigns.

To add a contact to a marketing campaign, go to the Sales > Contacts work area and follow similar steps. From the Edit Contact page, click Add to Campaign and select the specific campaigns to where you want your contact added as a campaign member.

Add Leads and Contacts to a Campaign

When you have added the marketing campaigns that you want, you can view and access them from the Campaign Members subtab on the Campaign Details page.

From here, you can add additional campaign members (leads and contacts) as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns work area.

  2. From the View Campaign: Overview page, select and open a campaign that you want to add additional leads and contacts.

  3. Click the Campaign Members subtab.

  4. Click Add Contacts to go to the Add: Contacts screen.

  5. Search for and select the contacts that you want to add to your existing marketing campaign as campaign members.

  6. Click Apply and then click OK.

    Note: You can't remove contacts from a campaign once the campaign is activated.

The selected contacts are now included as campaign members to your selected marketing campaigns.

Similarly, if you want to add additional leads as campaign members to an existing marketing campaign, click Add Leads to go to the Add: Leads screen and follow similar steps.